RxJS. Transformation Operators in Examples (part 1)

Artem Diashkin
Published in
5 min readSep 1, 2020


Examples of buffer, bufferCount, bufferTime, bufferToggle, bufferWhen, concatMap, concatMapTo, exaust, exaustMap and expand RxJS Transformation operators (part 1).

This article is a continuation of RxJS Basics in Examples.

RxJS. Transformation Operators in Examples (part 2): map, mapTo, mergeMap, mergeMapTo, scan, mergeScan, groupBy, pairwise, partition, pluck, switchMap , switchMapTo, window, windowCount, windowTime, windowToggle, andwindowWhen operators.

What are operators?

Operators are functions. There are two kinds of operators:

Pipeable Operators are the kind that can be piped to Observables using the syntax observable$.pipe(someOperator()). When called, they do not change the existing Observable instance, instead, they return a new Observable, whose subscription logic is based on the first Observable.

“A Pipeable Operator is a function that takes an Observable as its input and returns another Observable. It is a pure operation: the previous Observable stays unmodified. “

official documentation

There are 10 categories of…

