Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week

What It Is and Why You Should Care

Rachna Gupta
3 min readFeb 25, 2021


Celebration of ASAW (cred. Asexual Outreach on FB)

When asked about the most important holiday in February, most people would say Valentine’s Day, and why wouldn’t they? At this time of the year, the romantic chocolate commercials, cheesy rom-coms, and heart-shaped decorations are constantly reminding us about this “day of love” and about the value that people place on their romantic relationships. But, right after Valentine’s Day is a holiday that is just as important: Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week (ASAW).

ASAW, which takes place one full week after Valentine’s Day (February 21st-28th), is a way to spread awareness and acceptance of aromantic spectrum identities, while also celebrating the experiences and existence of those on the aromantic spectrum.

What is the aromantic spectrum?

Broadly defined, the aromantic spectrum encompasses people who experience little or no romantic attraction to others. But, just like sexuality, aromanticism is a spectrum! Some people may simply identify as aromantic, but there are a variety of identities that fall along that spectrum. Here are a couple of the most well-known identities on the aromantic spectrum:

Demiromantic: Someone who only experiences romantic attraction after forming an emotional bond with someone.

Lithromantic or akoiromantic: Someone who experiences romantic attraction without the desire to have it reciprocated, or romantic attraction that fades upon reciprocation.

Gray-aromantic: Someone who rarely experiences romantic attraction, or only under specific circumstances.

Cupioromantic: Someone who is aromantic but still desires a romantic relationship.

There are many, many more identities that fall under the umbrella of aromantic, and if you’re interested in learning more, check out this resource.

Common misconceptions about the Aromantic Spectrum

Myth: All aromantics are also asexual

While there are many aros who also identify as ace, sexuality and romantic attraction are completely different parts of identity.

Myth: Aromantics don’t feel love

Romantic love or attraction is not the only type of love there is, as anyone can feel platonic love, familial love, self-love, and many other variations of affection.

Myth: Aromantic people cannot be in a relationship

While some aromantics aren’t interested in a relationship in the traditional sense, some aromantic individuals do want to be in a relationship. Queerplatonic and other non-romantic relationships are just as valid and many aromantic people choose to participate in them.

How to Support ASAW

By educating yourself about the aromantic spectrum, you are already starting to support the community! But, just this article is not enough to be fully aware of the issues and experiences that aromantic people face. Here is a compilation of resources for further exploration.

You can also spread the word about ASAW and the aromantic spectrum. ASAW was only officially recognized in 2014, so many people may still be unaware of the importance of this celebration. Here is a collection of ready-to-use Aromantic Spectrum Awareness materials that you can share on your social media.

For ASAW, there are many social and educational events happening all over the world. Show your support of the community by attending official ASAW events or seeking other opportunities in your area!

Other Amazing Aro Resources!

Representation matters and aromantic identities are not often represented in the media. But, author Claudie Arsenault compiled a database of aro and ace fictional characters. Check out some of the delightful books and support these authors who understand the value of aromantic representation! LGBTQ Reads also compiled a list of recommended novels with characters on the aro spectrum.

The Trill Project has a supportive safe space for anyone to find a wholesome community, and our aromantic group has over 200 encouraging users waiting to hear about your experiences!

Check out our Medium publication and our website here!

