How to Practice Self-Love in Self-Isolation

A reminder to love yourself even when you are alone.

Tammy Tran
4 min readMar 26, 2020


Practicing self-love is already difficult when you are surrounded by your favorite people and have the freedom to go outside without risking your health, but it becomes much more difficult in quarantine. From physical self-care to easing your stress, here are some ways you can give yourself some TLC (tender, loving, care) without leaving the house.

1. Start a tag on social media with traits you love the most about yourself.

Use this template or create your own to start a chain reaction of self-love amongst your friends and followers. This is a great way to boost your confidence and promote interaction amongst your peers.

2. Start a new healthy habit for 30 days.

They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. Whether it be drinking 8 glasses of water a day, or meditating for 5 minutes every morning, start the thing you have always wanted to do. Being in quarantine is the perfect way to stick to habits as it allows you more flexibility and time. To stay on track, keep a checklist like the one below or make your own.

Some healthy habits that are easy to implement:

  • Drink warm lemon juice every morning
  • Practice yoga/meditation for 10–30 minutes every day
  • Say three things you are grateful for every morning and every night
  • Eat at least one healthy thing a day
  • Read a new book once a week

3. Start a new hobby.

One of the best ways to kill time during this quarantine is by discovering a new hobby. For example, I have been obsessed with Tik-Tok lately, especially the cooking videos. I finally caved and made dalgona coffee (whipped coffee), and it was so easy and delicious. It helped me reignite my love for cooking and inspired me to try new hobbies such as painting, or reading, that I have not had time to do in the past.



  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of Instant Coffee (I use Nescafe)
  • 1–2 tablespoons of hot water
  • Any choice of milk
  • Ice

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Add your sugar, coffee, & hot water into a medium bowl
  2. Whisk together using a hand mixer or a blender until you have achieved a whipped consistency and it should be a golden brown color
  3. Add milk and ice to a glass
  4. Top it with the whipped coffee
  5. Enjoy!

Fun hobbies you can do indoors:

  • Origami
  • Learn new dances
  • Painting/drawing/any artistic outlet
  • Journal your thoughts, or post them on Trill to build a community
  • Board games

4. Declutter your space to free up your headspace.

If you are anything like me, your messy environment is a recipe for chaotic stress in your head. In Marie Kondo style, start gathering your belongings category by category and asking yourself if they spark joy. If they do, keep it. If they do not, then give them away to someone who might appreciate it more. I found that after decluttering my space, my head felt lighter and I found inspiration with the things I already had but forgot about.

Read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo for specific details on how to complete a Konmari declutter.

5. Create an online community.

In quarantine, it is easy to forget that you are not alone. A crucial part of self-love is remembering that you offer valuable insights and joy to the people around you. A great way to stay connected is through the power of social media. Share your thoughts, jokes, and isolation with others who might be feeling the same way. Trill has multiple tags you can join to post about topics that are on your head. Just because you are stuck indoors, does not mean you are limited to the people you can connect with.

These are my top five tips for practicing self-love during the shelter-in-place. I hope this serves as a reminder that you are all amazing and have so many things to appreciate about yourself. By occupying your time practicing self-care and connecting with people you love, I hope you find happiness during these tough times.

Stay safe and stay Trill (true & real).

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