Trill Take Over — App Drop on Google Play Store

Georgia Messinger
Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2019

Los Angeles, CA — Trill Project, Inc. is thrilled to announce the launch of our application on the Google Play store today, June 25, 2019.

Download HERE

When we launched Trill a year ago, we never could have imagined that the community would grow into what it has today. For all our triumphs we owe one group of people the biggest thank you: our Trill users. It may sound hyperbolic, but this app would not exist without our wonderful users, and that’s a fact.

Since day one, Android and increased device accessibility across platforms has been wildly requested. It is so important to us that Trill is available for anyone who needs it no matter what type of phone they have. For this reason, we are so grateful to have created an opportunity to grow our user base in a meaningful way. For everyone who’s been following, thank you for being so patient with this release date. We wanted everything to be perfect.

We believe launching on Google Play will make it so that Trill can be on the phones of even more people (and, in doing so, help even more people). Now there will be more opportunities for friends, conversations, and interactions in the feed!

We will be doing social media outreach and press interviews about the release all week long.

For media inquiries, please, contact

P.S. Connect with us to never miss a beat. We love hearing from you. Download Trill on the App Store. Read our blog. Subscribe to it. Find us @thetrillproject on Insta // Twitter // Tumblr. Check out our website for more info.

Continue the conversation, and our mission to spread Trill awareness on social media by sharing this post! #StayTrill



Georgia Messinger

Los Angeles, California | Co-Founder Trill Project | Harvard Class of 2022 | Insta: @geoorgiaaa | Twitter: @geomessinger