What it Means to be a Woman in STEM

Sara K
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2018

Have you ever looked around in the classes you’re most interested in or your work meetings and found yourself to be in the minority?

As women in STEM, all of us certainly have. It’s no secret that women in STEM fields, especially computer science, are hard to come by. But that was confirmed for all of us in the computer science classes over the years. When you look around and you’re the only girl in the room in the class you’re most passionate about, it can be a disheartening experience.

Now, I look at the faces in my business meetings for Trill, and the whole room is full of girls- like me who are passionate about computer science and the business we have created together. It’s a long way from computer science class, and seeing us together for the first time, I couldn’t help but think that this was the way I would have felt if I were a boy in that class. In a word, empowered.

Photo by Jackson Hendry on Unsplash

All of us at Trill decided enough was enough and founded the ultimate team of women ready to create a business from scratch. It’s an incredible experience, much in line with how we intend Trill to be for everyone who uses it. A place to find people to relate to when you’re least expecting it. I certainly didn’t expect to find myself surrounded by women when I chose computer science as my future. We hope you find a similarly unique experience on Trill.

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