Singapore to Shanghai: Weeve in Asia

21 days, 5 cities, 4 conferences, 3 meetups and 1 crypto cruise

weeve's World
5 min readAug 3, 2018


Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash.

As most of our community knows, between the 1st-21st of July, we traveled alongside our supporters, ConsenSys and Token Foundry, through Asia. Starting out in Singapore, we toured our way through to Shanghai, stopping at many meetups, events and conferences. If you missed us on our roadshow and want to stay up to date with all that went down (including Tokyo’s first ever Token Engineering Event — #TET18 and a crypto cruise) then…keep calm and read on.

Blockchain in Asia

Keeping it short and sweet, we had a fantastic time connecting with our community and were fascinated by the enlightening discussions we all had over the 3 week roadshow.

Key takeaways of blockchain in Asia;

  1. Faster blockchain implementation
  2. Faster blockchain/crypto adoption
  3. New communities spawning in niche blockchain topics (#TET18)
  4. Great community spirit, truly interested in blockchain and token projects

Singapore to Shanghai impressions


Singapore’s dense ecosystem consisting of entrepreneurs, investors, enthusiasts, techys and community form a cohesive environment well received by the Weeve team. Different perspectives lead the blockchain movement in Singapore adding to a sustainable, inclusive environment driving growth. Singapore’s blockchain ecosystem stands as a good model for future blockchain communities that wish to excel.

Impressions of Weeve with Token Foundry in Singapore.


Contrastingly to Singapore, Tokyo’s blockchain communities are geographically dispersed. However, the metropolis boasts a growing ecosystem which shows promising projects, people and places that we will continue to keep an eye on to see the quickly developing blockchain ecosystem become a thriving melting-pot, consisting of the already developed communities out there. The Weeve team enjoyed watching first-hand how a growing blockchain ecosystem is formed. An amazing experience for us was the first ever Token Engineering event in Japan, where we had a great opportunity to be a part of it. This was one of the many highlights we experienced in Asia and are looking forward to coming back.

Harald Zapp, founder and CEO, and Sidd Bhasin, Weeve Biz Dev Manager, hanging out in Tokyo, Token Foundry team members and impressions from Token Sky Conference.

Hong Kong

Lubin and luxury crypto cruises. Do we need to say more…Here we attended two prominent blockchain conferences; Rise Conference and Block O2O Titans of Blockchain.

Jo Lubin, crypto cruise and meetup impressions from Hong Kong.


Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gajek, Weeve founder and CTO, and Martin Buhl, Weeve founder and CFO, were immersed into a buzzing blockchain community with many opportunities to present Weeve’s data trading marketplace and security-by-design notion when building Weeve’s three technological pillars; weeveOS, Weeve Network and Weeve Platform. Events in Beijing showed signs of a developed community interested to know more about each project.

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gajek and Martin Buhl attending various events in Beijing.


How to impress German’s who are blockchain followers? Hold a Fußball spiel (football game) and chat about blockchain quite literally ‘on the run’.

During our days in Seoul, the Weeve Team had the opportunity to attend Beyond Blocks Summit — this was truly a great blockchain based event that was lighter on the marketing and heavier on the tech…just the way we like it.

Beyong Blocks Summit entrance and Token Foundry and Weeve team members mixing blockchain with balls.


Finally, after 21 days and 4 cities we made it to the last stop on the ConsenSys/Token Foundry and Weeve roadshow through Asia. Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gajek had an enriching time mingling with the Shanghai blockchain community and attending fruitful events, dinners and meetups.

Token Foundry and Weeve team members in Shanghai.

The Weeve team would like to thank all who were involved with planning such an engaging 21 days across Asia. We are looking forward to see what the future of blockchain in Asia holds — it looks promising so far.

If you would like to look at the past events schedule to see which events we attended click here.

Photos courtesy by Token Foundry and Weeve team members.



weeve's World

weeve’s mission is to enable pioneering companies to securely extract new value from an increasingly connected machine economy.