Stepping stones to the Economy of Things: Weeve Roadmap

weeve's World
Published in
4 min readMar 22, 2018
Weeve team working on weeveOS alpha. Photo by Erik Gross.

A note to our community: Weeve’s innovative and security driven approach to unite the fragmented IoT space, in combination with Blockchain technology, will empower the Economy of Things. In a decentralized and open source world community is key — join ours on Telegram.

The Economy of Things (EoT)

EoT extracts new value from the Internet of things. Millions of internet-connected devices, producing valuable data, combined with new disruptive technologies, like Blockchain, gives rise to the Economy of Things.

EoT refers to the transfer not only of data, but value from between IoT devices. These exchanges of value will be shared in data driven marketplaces, whereby exchanges of value will be carried out via autonomous, machine-to-machine transactions. The Weeve technology ensures security, data attestation and commercialization in a highly fragmented IoT epoch.

Weeve technology stack.

To read more on Weeve technology, click here.

The Weeve technology provides a starting point and goal to empower EoT to ensure that data, to the atomic level, is securely harvested, processed, transported, assessed and commercialized. As it stands, no single technology is able to validate the authenticity of a datums source or its quality. Data authentication and quality control are imperative to the stable functioning of marketplaces with viable digital assets (Data) in the Economy of Things.

Layers of the Economy of Things.

Stepping stones empowering the Economy of Things

The weeve roadmap begins with the assumption that data, generated as a product of the Internet of Things, cannot be successfully attested and securely transported.

Below, we define the necessary steps needed to bootstrap a stable, trust-less and cryptoeconomically incentivized network, where IoT devices autonomously trade tokenized, digital assets in data marketplaces.

Economy of Things Roadmap

Weeve’s 9 phase roadmap.

Phase 1: Q2 / 2017

In April 2017, Harald Zapp (co-founder / CEO) and Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gajek (co-founder / CTO) set forth the plan to empower the Economy of Things. Early on, the first patent for MQTTS is filed. MQTTS, a secure IoT communication protocol paves the path for the secure transportation of tokenized digital assets (data).

Phase 2: Q3 / 2017

By phase 2, a second patent for Testified Smart Contracts was filed. The Testimony is cryptographic proof (kinda ZK-SNARK) to attest the harvesting and processing of IoT data to an atomic level. Attached to a blockchain one can publicly verify the quality of the data, thus effectively turning the data into a valuable digital asset.

Following on, the team began weeveOS development. The weeveOS is the first IoT-to-Blockchain Operating System that meets the scalability and lightweightness requirements of proliferating IoT devices and the security and trust prerequisites of Blockchain-based applications and services. A Security-by-design gateway is achieved through the leverage of Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) principles. The gateway leads to a Blockchain infrastructure with emphasis on wallet shielding and the fair exchange of testified data.

Phase 3: Q4 / 2017

At this point, Weeve evolved from its former eciotify and the Weeve Network. The Weeve Network allows attested IoT data to be tokenized into a valuable tradable digital asset.

The network principals build upon cryptoeconomic mechanisms to incentivize the curation of high-standard and interoperable data marketplaces and disincentive plagiarism and infringement to prevent the trade of fake data and a black market economy.

Phase 4: Q1 / 2018

In Phase 4 we introduced our weeveOS — The first Operating System designed for Blockchain-enabled Internet of Things.

Phase 5: Q2 / 2018

Phase 5 amounts to the critical development of the Weeve business model that enables network users to participate in the weeve marketplace(s).

Phase 6: Q3 / 2018

Following our year of development, we plan to publicly release weeveOS beta and our MVP. This coincides with PoC initiation with strategic partners.

Phase 7: Q4 / 2018

Release of the open-source IoT-to-Blockchain Operating System weeveOS. The Weeve Network beta and API for community developments will also be launched.

Phase 8: Q1 / 2019

Leading into 2019, our team of dedicated developers will continue the development of the weeveOS (e.g., crypto/wallet support for permission-based Blockchains). We also aim to launch the Weeve Network with selected strategic partners and to design marketplaces PoCs with these partners.

Phase 9: 2019 +

Looking forward into 2019, we aim to have a Platform that empowers data trading, enabling the curation and governance of customiuable marketplaces.

IoT data trading marketplace structure.
EoT marketplaces.

If you have any questions for the team, join our growing community on Telegram or visit our website.

Disclosure: The above roadmap is how the Weeve team will go about empowering the Economy of Things. The timeframes act as guidelines and are subject to change with further development of Weeve.



weeve's World

weeve’s mission is to enable pioneering companies to securely extract new value from an increasingly connected machine economy.