Weeve Testimony — A Trusted Step Towards Securing Machine Economy

Gaurav Tiwari
weeve's World
Published in
6 min readMay 6, 2020

Data has been likened to commodities such as oil or gold. In this connected world, more and more quality data is going to empower the smart decision-making process of machines deployed in a factory or various gadgets deployed in our houses. But there is a big challenge ahead — how can quality and trusted data be securely delivered in a scalable and automated way? Industry leaders for low-end embedded devices are working hard to bring the best hardware and software security practices widely available on high-end devices down to these microcontroller devices. Limited resources in microcontrollers, and with so many operating systems and solution stacks, leads to a complex and challenging landscape for embedded security.

We can categorize the data protection scenarios as follows;

  • Data at rest
  • Data in transit
  • Data in use

At Weeve, we are developing solutions tailored for data security for microcontroller-based IoT devices.

  • We protect data at rest is using a trusted storage solution. This data contains cryptographic assets such as keys or some digital assets such as virtual coins etc.
  • With data in transit, we have developed Weeve MQTTS, a lightweight and secure publish-subscribe built on the MQTT protocol tailored for low-end devices. This is an alternative to MQTT over TLS, which consumes more power resources at the edge.
  • For data in use we address the integrity of the process running on an IoT device. This process might be collecting useful data using sensors or executing a data processing step or even executing a business logic in case of an actuator device. Detecting and preventing the software vulnerabilities of the process is the key here. We are developing Weeve Testimony, a real-time control attestation application, which is the topic of this blog series.

Before we introduce Weeve Testimony, here is a little bit of technical background of problems we are solving and technologies used in our solution.

C-program vulnerability Issues

Almost all low level embedded software and firmware is developed in the C programming language. C’s lack of proper boundary checks for intended allocated memory is a source of big security threats. In addition to buffer overflow, C-program suffers from integer-overflow, string-format vulnerability, return address overwrites, etc. There is also a new class of security threats to a C-program such as return-to-libc, and more general return-oriented programming (ROP) which are very effective against common mitigation techniques such as Data Execution Prevention and code signing. Proper code review with static and dynamic application security tools may reduce the severity of such vulnerabilities. Other techniques in the toolchain such as stack-smashing-protection, in the hardware itself like NX-bit set for data segments, during runtime like address space layout randomizations (ASLR) exist. But the program is still far from a fair vulnerability free guarantee. In the context of microcontroller based low-end devices, the most effective mitigation technique of ASLR is not implemented because of practicality to avoid having a run-time loader.

Our Approach to Mitigate C-program Vulnerabilities

To address C-program vulnerability issues, we assume that there will always be security flaws in the program, and therefore we venture to detect them at run time. We envision the existence of a more privileged isolated guard process that inspects and testifies the behavior of a running C-program (the MCU firmware). The guard process needs to be isolated and more privileged than the normal firmware because if it’s part of the same process or similar privilege level as normal firmware, the hacker will be able to hack the guard process as well with exploiting the same vulnerability in normal firmware. We also envision the need of a remote attestation entity that knows in advance (using our profiling tool) all the valid execution snapshots of normal firmware execution, and testifies to these snapshots periodically. A remote server for attestation is required to make the overall system more resilient to attacks, rather than relying on an isolated guard process. The, remote server also lets the device fleet manager know the integrity status of the devices.

Arm TrustZone and Why We Use It?

Thanks to Arm Trustzone, we can devise such a system. TrustZone is a hardware-assisted security technology that helps in the compartmentalization of the whole system is two-parts. The less privileged component, known as the “Normal World”, is where general purpose application firmware and business logic runs. The privileged “Secure World” has a minimal computing base (so that it should have fewer bugs) and cannot be accessed directly from the general-purpose “NormalWorld”, except for a selection of allowed service calls are made.

Arm Trustzone, Courtesy Arm Inc.

Introducing Weeve Testimony Client

Our whole process security mechanism, in a nutshell, is that the full control flow execution path information of a program is extracted, and then this information is validated during the run time with a highly secure isolated guard process running in Trusted Execution Environment (Arm Trustzone). This guard trusted application also acts as a remote attestation client and sends the currently executed control flow graph to a remote attestation server on demand. Weeve Testimony protects the application firmware running on the normal world. For the protection of the guard process, which is Testimony Trusted Application, we rely on the security guarantee provided by Arm TrustZone technology.

Weeve’s vision of the Testimony product is to integrate the above described remote run-time firmware attestation product with a Blockchain-powered data economy digital infrastructure. This blog post describes the Weeve Testimony Remote Attestation and the Client-side components in particular. We believe in the fundamental power of decentralization, but Testimony can also be utilized in other IoT use case deployments without a blockchain component.

Technical Deep Dive

Here, we will dive into some technical details! A familiarity of the C-code build process and Arm Assembly instruction set is beneficial to fully grasp the subsequent material.

Preparing the Testimony Aware Firmware

Step 1. The Weeve instrumentor tool, Testimony Patcher, analyses a normal world firmware binary image. The tool replaces all control flow ARM assembly instructions with a BL instruction (BL corresponds to a function call in ARM assembly). The target address of this BL instruction is a routine written in ARM assembly. All assembly routines are dependent on the type of control flow instruction it is replacing, in other words every ARM assembly control flow instruction type has a routine. These routines are called trampolines. The tool also generates a table with records as a tuple {sourceAddress, originalDestinationAddress}. Since we modified all the control flow destinations in the original firmware, this table contains a very crucial piece of information on original control flow destination addresses. This table will be used by the trampolines. This control flow branch table is generated in the form of a C-source file.

Weeve Testimony Instrumentation Infrastructure

Step 2. We need to again build the firmware so that the control-flow branch table generated in Step 1 could be linked to normal world firmware and available at run time. Now this firmware is Weeve Testimony protected and ready to be downloaded on the device.

Step 3. The Weeve Testimony Trusted application needs to be also flashed to the device. Note that Weeve Testimony Trusted application is independent of normal world firmware and instrumentation process. If normal world firmware is bug-fixed and remotely upgraded by the user, no need to change the Testimony trusted application.

In the next and final part, we will see Weeve Testimony control flow integrity in action at run time and how it enables the whole end to end remote attestation of devices.


We hope you enjoyed a high level discussion of security vulnerabilities in the data supply chain and IOT, and our proposed solution: Weeve Testimony. Testimony is a guard process which guarantees the execution of MCU firmware, testifying that your device is not tampered with and reliable. This first-mile trusted solution is critical in enabling the Machine and Data Economy.

