Team Weevil Weekly Report

Week 5, 28-JAN to 3-FEB

Miki Nobumori
Weevil Labs
2 min readFeb 4, 2017



This weeks objectives were to develop our hunt statement, budget plan, research timeline, and plan out the first phase of our research.


Our team met on 30-JAN and begin our first take on the hunt statement. We used the ‘For, Who, What…” structure to start ideating, when we realized that each of us had varying ideas in our heads. We decided to brainstorm individually as homework and return to it on another day. We reviewed the budget plan that Catherine put together and started listing activities for our guided research. We then reviewed the research timeline and methods, and discussed the outcomes we wanted to gain for each method. Our goal is to do qualitative research in Spring semester and begin synthesizing in mid-April. We decided to leave quantitative research in the Fall so that we can prioritize having quality findings and insights to help us prepare for concept ideation in May.

We met again on 31-JAN. In this meeting we discussed our research timeline on a weekly level. We decided to focus on lit reviews and competitive analysis for the next two weeks. We began to list out possible hotels to visit, and decided that we should get a variety of star-ratings to have a wide range of findings. Originally, we were planning a collab activity with our client, but the client rescheduled to the third week of Feb so we put that activity on hold. We then shared our individual hunt statements to try to combine them into one. As we compared what we each came up with, we were able to pinpoint similarities and differences, and come to a unified conclusion as a team.

We met with Mary and Simone for our one-on-one on 2-FEB, and reviewed our hunt statement, budget, and research timeline. They gave us feedback that our hunt statement should be in an active tone without unnecessary clauses, and to explore the ‘why’ more in order to understand both the client’s wants and our team mission. Additionally, they gave us information on popular tourism landmarks and activities in Madeira.

We met for our stand-up meeting on 3-FEB, and rewrote our hunt statements based on keywords that came up with our kick-off meeting with the client, and restructured it into an action statement. We then went over our list of tourism activities, hotels for competitive analysis, and lit reviews to assign task for everyone to complete during our one-week break.

Next Steps

Some of the team member will begin their tourism activities in the next week, and everyone will work on competitive analysis and literature review. We plan on sharing our findings when we return from break.


The team currently has no roadblocks.

