Team Weevil Weekly Report

Miki Nobumori
Weevil Labs
Published in
2 min readApr 29, 2017

Week 16, 24-APR to 28-APR

A participant sketches her ideas during the participatory design exercise


As the end of the term approaches, things are picking up pace as the team transition onto the ideation phase. Our focus for this week was to 1. gather insights and ideas from locals, 2. get feedback from our client on the five opportunity areas, 3. plan for our visioning sprint and 4. begin preparing our mid-term report.


The team started off the week by hosting a participatory design session with the members of the local M-ITI community. Through short exercises of directed storytelling and brainstorming exercises, we were able to gather insights on their travel needs and generate creative ideas on how they’d address the opportunity areas.

Sara working through an exercise with some of the participants
Sharing our creative ideas at the end as a group

On Wednesday, we had a meeting with our client to present the opportunity areas. The meeting went well and we got a lot of great feedback to guide our concept generation. The client also shared with us the progress of the hotel redesign (new branding!) and the team is super excited to move forward.

To prepare for our weekend of visioning, the team discussed methods and goals, and prepared an agenda for the 5-hr activity. We created 20 different HMW prompts and will be running quick brainstorming rounds for each prompt.

Lastly, we began preparing for our mid-term report by reviewing previous years’ reports, creating the report outline, and breaking it down to tasks.

Next steps

The team aims to generate 9–12 different ideas from our visioning activity. We also plan on visiting the hotel to see the progress.


We hope to come up with many strong ideas, and converge them into five final concepts.

