Weave Weekly Report

Week 43, 23 Oct — 29 Oct

Miki Nobumori
Weevil Labs
3 min readNov 13, 2017


Results of the preliminary diary study with hotel staff


This week, we focused on planning for iteration and refinement of the concept through our remaining sprints. Here’s the plan for the next 4 sprints:

  • Week 43–44: continue prototyping
  • Sprint 45–46: test prototype on-site with hotel guests + staff
  • Sprint 47–48: refine concept and wrap up for delivery
  • Spring 49–50: work on final deliverables for Capstone


Prototype for staff— staff profile + content creation, guest profiles

We had asked some of the hotel staff to do a diary study last week to note down any guest observations, and got our results in. The outcome was positive— staff noted down details like guest’s drink preferences to dietary restrictions, validating our idea that staff notice and take mental note on things that influence their outward service. To continue collecting staff input and through participatory design and diary study, we’re planning for a second round of staff workshop early next week to iterate on the staff profile + content creation portion as well as explore a component to track guest profiles.

Prototype for guests — recommendations

To proceed with the next round of iteration for guest recs, we begin to focus on collecting real content for our prototype in order to gather good feedback from the Tiles guest during our upcoming testing at the hotel. We’ve deployed a Google forms survey to collect personal experiences around Madeira from our M-ITI community as a way to curate local recommendations. Additionally, we’ve done a card sorting exercise to starting thinking about organization and architecture flow. As we move forward, it’s been helpful to keep our eyes out on competitors like Airbnb. In order to build around a unique value prop, the user experience of our concept is focused around staff profiles and context-aware recommendations.

We also revisited our personas, and further define them by attitudes and needs.

“I want recommendations from locals”:

  • experience local culture unique to Madeira
  • connect to real people who can give them insider tips

“I want context-aware recommendations”:

  • logistics such as distance, map, and transportation
  • based on current time and weather
  • based on personal context + preferences

Other misc needs:

  • I want minimal interaction w/ people, unless it brings value
  • I want someone else to plan my activities (curated activities)
  • I want something affordable

System Architecture

The full service structure we envision consists of staff-facing and guest-facing systems. For our deliverable in the upcoming sprints, we will be focusing around the guest-facing component (Front End System).

system architecture

Defining personas and service flow

Needs and desires of our guests and hotel staff
Needs and desires of our guests and hotel staff
First take on a sequence flow diagram of how our system works to meet the needs of our guests and staff in a given scenario

Next Steps

  • staff workshop #2 to collect content
  • continue prototyping

