UX Testing in Brussels and Lisbon! Weave Weekly Report

trisha suri
Weevil Labs
Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2017

Week 44, October 30th — November 5th

This was a hectic week because we were all leaving for two conferences in Brussels and Lisbon. We had a lot of prep work to take care of for our return including user testing at the hotel.

We focused on the following key tasks: Soliciting past guest recommendations, user testing protocol for the staff, sourcing and recruiting staff members for recommendation content, and visual design decisions.

Each team member took ownership of individual tasks to focus on during travels. We also created a two week sprint plan to get both prototypes to a mid-fidelity level.

Another issue we ran into was an IP rights agreement issue where we wanted to find out whether we could have joint or full ownership of our end prototype. We met with our director to explain the situation at hand so she could meet with our client to figure out a common middle ground for both parties.

We’ll find out the results of that meeting upon our return.

Next steps:

  • User test in the hotel (Guest and Staff)
  • Organize staff content to create JSON files for high fidelity prototype
  • Implement any changes in our prototype based on user feedback
  • Continue testing



trisha suri
Weevil Labs

Writing about User Research, UX Design and Startup Life for Pensieve AI & Women in STEM for Objective-She.