Executive Summary

“WeFilmchain provides a new way to
develop creative partnerships and share
profits from the resulting projects.”

G Leblanc
4 min readJul 17, 2018


The WeFilmchain platform allows both content creators and participants in the financing process to realize their dreams for success in media content and film production.

Participants in the WeFilmchain ecosystem include producers, directors, actors, screenplay writers, film crew, movie distributors, investors, advertisers, industry experts, movie critics, film school students, and of course fans.

Our platform provides a new way to develop creative partnerships and share profits from the resulting projects.

The company is based in Vancouver, Canada, also known as “Hollywood North” for its access to film and television industry leaders, production resources and advanced film schools. Vancouver is also a global leader in the areas of technical talent and industry innovation within the cryptocurrency space.

The management team is made up of experienced filmmakers and contributors with significant film investment background. These individuals have experienced first-hand the many problems that the film industry faces. It also includes strategic relationships with leaders from the emerging cryptocurrency and blockchain development fields.

Simply put, WeFilmchain applies blockchain technology to revolutionize the way movies, TV and online content are made, financed and distributed.

The WeFilmchain System

By definition, blockchain is a technology that allows people who don’t know each other to trust a shared record of events.

The WeFilmchain platform allows for both content creators and participants in the film financing process to interact directly using smart contracts. These smart contracts have been written and designed so as to specifically address the needs of the film and television production industry. Through this new system, all stakeholders in a project will be able to participate by engaging in a secure, open environment using smart contract enabled blockchain applications that provide for unprecedented levels of transparency and accountability not previously possible in the film and TV production
financing process.

The FilmC Token

The agreements and contracts created on our platform typically would be
written in the local fiat currency of the user whether it’s USD, CDN, or others.
Contract currency amounts will be temporarily converted to special tethered version FilmC tokens ( FilmDT ) which then become the digital currency of the smart contracts or revenue sharing payments. Once the tokens are in the user’s digital wallet, they may be converted to fiat currency.

Regular FilmC Tokens may also be used to access to films, online content, training courses, merchandise and additional resources as the project offerings expand.

Strategic Partnerships

WeFilmchain is supported by Han Feng, the co-founder of Elastos, along with
the entire Elastos development team. Elastos provides the first completely safe
environment on the web where decentralized applications are detached from the internet while also permitting full scalability to millions of users.
WeFilmchain’s VOD (Video On Demand) Dapp (decentralized application) is a cross-platform application that facilitates high-speed mass data transmission between smartphone users. It adopts Elastos’ peer-to-peer decentralized transmission technology, which enables the platform users to share files anywhere without IP technology based limitations. It supports various smart terminals such as Android, iOS, WP and PC. Users can buy, sell, view and share videos with anyone, eliminating centralized server middlemen.

WeFilmchain revolutionizes the distribution and marketing model of the movie industry by streaming and sharing unique digitally registered copies that cannot be replicated. The platform enables creators to retain and control their IP rights.

Those who take the time and effort to produce content, regardless of cost,
deserve a platform where they can be properly rewarded. WeFilmchain through Elastos can provide that platform.

In addition to enjoying original films on the WeFilmchain platform and investing in movie projects, FilmC token holders will be able to profit by participating in the platform activities and referring new audiences. On the WeFilmchain platform, watching movies is not only a form of entertainment, but also becomes a revenue generating source.


