A look back into WeGaw’s 2018!

Ion Padilla
Published in
2 min readJan 9, 2019

2018 was a challenging year, but we are proud of all the things we have accomplished so far. We are extremely excited to see what 2019 is keeping for us. If you did not try our DeFROST product yet, you can start by contacting us for a demo on how our product could enhance your solution providing terrain conditions monitoring to assess risk and decision making in outdoors locations.

“Success is not counted by how high you have climbed but by how many people you brought with you.” Will Rose

Time of the year in which we start thinking of all the goals and milestones we have achieved during 2018. Check out some of them!

  • We started 2018 kicking-off the Feasibility study of DeFROST supported by the European Space Agency (ESA) under the ARTES20 program. We finished the first phase of the project in November, which triggered a pilot phase involving 5 customers who already made 88700 API calls to DeFROST!
  • We had the opportunity to attend the market validation camp in San Francisco thanks to Innosuisse and SwissNex San Francisco, where we explored further the US market and gather lots of interest from potential customers and investors.
  • We launched the WeGaw Equity Crowdfunding campaign, we are half way through, but you can still invest!
Check our crowdfunding campaign and invest in our success at Seedrs!
  • With the consortium we created thanks to the European Space Agency, WSL, Exolabs and The University of Zurich, we built the first working prototype early this Summer.
  • We had the chance of presenting and pitching WeGaw in lots of different events like: Swiss Startup Day, Venture Day, Tel Aviv DLD conference, TEDxVitoria-Gasteiz

As we start this 2019, we continue to focus on the continuos challenges of aggregating new sources of data, machine learning, outdoors safety and spacial/temporal resolution of our data.

With the increase of terrain related accidents, lets all try to make our lives safer outdoors!

Thank you for the great year and we much look forward to the ones to come.



Ion Padilla
Editor for

CEO & Co-Founder @ WeGaw — exCERN, exHewlett-Packard, TEDx Speaker