Money of the future — where to trade them

Why the UI is so important?

Polina Keremidchieva
5 min readJul 20, 2019


When wondering where to trade their crypto assets, more and more users today decide to explore the DEX options. Good to them because bright future is awaiting the decentralized exchanges and one strong proof of this tendency is the release of Binance DEX.

A huge switch is going to be seen in the next couple of years from centralized trading platform to decentralized because of the reason that people get to understand the concept of cryptocurrencies better. Users stop considering them just as an easy and profitable investment but start to realize their main advantages. Cryptocurrencies give freedom, anonymity and full control of your own funds which no other traditional currency can offer.

And by realizing that, users start to crave for the full package of benefits that the money of the future offers. Why to expose your personal information when the very essence of the cryptocurrencies offers actually a full preservation of your identity. Why to give custody of your funds to some trading platforms when the very aim of the cryptocurrency is to set you free from all kind of financial regulators and to put your money back to your own hands. Why letting others store and access your trading history when the very nature of cryptocurrency is to make it transparent but absolutely anonymous. Why to pay fees to trade assets on someone’s centralized platform when you can exchange those same assets absolutely free of charge on decentralized peer-to-peer exchanges which eliminate the fee collectors.

With all these said DEXes are more useful, beneficial and convenient than the centralized platforms. And with the undoubted security that blockchain provides, the tendency of DEXes to become more and more popular is inevitable. It is now time to choose your platform and to take care of your funds.

But here comes the main problem — most of the traders are unhappy with the UI and the main features of the current DEXes which make their experience very unpleasant and annoying. They claim that most of the DEXes are hard to use, overloaded with information and charts and difficult to navigate.

It is established that usability is the degree of effectiveness, efficiency and user satisfaction of a particular product when it is used for a particular purpose in a particular environment. So, when building a DEX, let’s not forget that not all of the traders have technical background. The traders are the clients, not the developers, so everything should be easy and smooth during their stay at the platform.

And this is exactly what weiDex team do — our developers step into the shoes of the users to eliminate the problem with the non-interactive UI and to set a layout which will make them feel like shopping in the local grocery. Here are the main advantages of our platform:

  1. Simple layout

It is true that on most DEXes it is really hard to understand how to deposit and start trading. That’s not the case with weiDex. The design is absolutely free of unneeded data. It contains only the essential information allocated in a few charts that you will be looking at. You are mostly working on the main page with all of the essential option right in front of you.

2. Easy access and customized design

You can change the main view and can also order it according to your own preferences. By clicking on the “expand” option you can switch the places of the charts however you like. You can also choose between light and dark mode depending on your eye comfort.

3. Multiple ways to connect your wallet

Most of the DEXes provide few options to connect your wallet. Some of them even offer only MetaMask. WeiDex provides а variety of ways to connect your wallet in a pretty easy way. Go to the “Connect Wallet” tab and choose between six different options which will soon expand as we are going to integrate more in the near future.

4. Clear and easy-to-find design of your portfolio

One of the greatest difficulties for the users trading on other DEXes is to find and figure out the current status of their portfolio. This is why we created a separate tab called “My wallet” and a doughnut chart to show you all the funds stored in your wallet.

5. Easy access to your trading history

Another main problem on most DEXes is to find а human readable trading history (not to have to go to This is a very important record which should be easily accessible. At weiDex you will find it in a separate tab called “History” and will be able to track your transactions at any time. It is a detailed list of all your orders — filled, expired, cancelled.

6. Trending pairs widget

In the footer of the main page you will find a line filled with the trending pairs. These are the cryptocurrencies that are mostly exchanged including their last price. It will give you a better orientation of what are the current market inclinations.

7. Same interface for different blockchains

The unique characteristic of our UI is its ability to function and still keep the same design when integrated on different blockchain ecosystems. Right now it is only working on Ethereum but very soon it will have the option to switch to other blockchains. Our team is currently working on integration on Aeternity blockchain followed by Tron, Cardano, Bitcoin and Locktrip. The coolest element here is that the switch will happen on the background and the users will not feel any difference in the UI — they will keep trading as usual. That is undoubtedly something unseen on other DEXes before.


Cryptocurrencies and tokenized assets will become part of our everyday lives, therefore all the services and tools that we need in order to use them should be as simple as using a toothbrush. DEXes are definitely the future if you are seeking for financial freedom but you should be careful when choosing a DEX. The perfect DEX should spare your time and not wasting it with a difficult-to-use interface.

