weiDex Team in Berlin

Published in
3 min readAug 30, 2019

Hello, weiDex community!

Last week, our team was in Berlin for the Berlin Blockchain Week and it was an amazing experience in so many ways.

  • Web3Summit — Every year the devs and researchers working on lower-level protocols and other enthusiasts interested in the latest developments in the decentralized web (i.e. The New Internet) come together for an immersive and collaborative gathering focused on the Web3 technology stack. This year we enjoyed speakers from different projects like Ethereum Foundation, Status, web3 Foundation, Parity, MakerDAO, AVA, and many more super cool projects as long as teams working on decentralized, privacy and security-oriented solutions. The biggest surprise of the event was the Live Video Chat with Edward Snowden. He gave an inspiring speech for all the people who are building The New Internet and expressed his excitement to see the huge amount of attendees. The whole atmosphere was very special nourishing the enthusiasm and the passion of all the developers and researchers who attended. Definitely an inspiring and motivational experience!
  • DappCon — A nonprofit global developer conference organized by Gnosis. They gave exclusive access to the ETHBerlin conference and TEGG during Berlin Blockchain week to all attendees. This event was fulfilled with inspiring speakers, great organization and also meaningful discussions. One of the biggest surprises was Vitalik Buterin, founder of Ethereum. He has shown up on the event and was involved in a panel discussion on the topic “How to measure success” among with the co-founder Joseph Lubin who is also the founder of Consensys.

Few Takeaways

1. No BS, only real BUIDLers

Forget about the 2017 hype, the community is stronger now and the developers are more than ever before. Now, we can actually see multiple solutions and products serving both users and developers. We have everything from beautiful UI/UX solutions (Universal Login) to hardcore CLI tools (OpenZeppelin). There are hundreds of teams building hundred of applications (oops - dApplications) fighting for market share in this yet immature market. But instead of competing they collaborate and help each — one more sign for the strength of the blockchain community!

2. 2019 is the year of DeFi

Without a doubt, everyone is talking about #DeFi. We have a wide specter of services already available and tons of others emerging every day. We have Compound, MakerDAO, Pool Together, rDAI, PIP, Uniswap, Kyber Protocol and who knows how many more. These people are working tirelessly to bring free, secure and trustless financial services to everyone. And this is a force that is gathering power every single day. At some point, it will (must) become an unstoppable wave (as Snowden said).

3. 2019 is also the year of DAOs

DAOs are here and they are here to stay. As of today, there are 693 DAOs in the Aragon ecosystem deployed on the Ethereum Mainnet. And this is just the beginning. Lots of ideas are flooding the space and we shall see even more DAOs in the near future. (Even though, we cannot be sure if that’s a good or a bad thing, because it may remind you to some extend of the ICO hype during 2017.)

4. 2019 is the year (Ha-Ha) of Memes as well
Take Moloch DAO for an example: The provocative name serves as both “a meme in and of itself” and “an ironic joke about the possible futility of attempting to solve coordination problems.”

As it was said by Vitalik, even Bitcoin is a “MeMe”.

The Furry Convention

In conclusion, we can say that everything was just awesome — the vibes, the people, the venues, the topics. We will definitely be there next year!

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weiDex is a Blockchain Agnostic Dapp Ecosystem for exchanges. Our ultimate aim is to fix the broken blockchain ecosystem on the application layer.