What’s on weiDex — Zilliqa

Published in
2 min readAug 28, 2019

It’s time to introduced another token in our column “What’s on weiDex”.

Say hello to Zilliqa (ZIL)!

  1. About the project

Zilliqa is a public blockchain platform that implements sharding and hence achieves thousands of transactions per second. Zilliqa processes more transactions per second as more mining nodes join the network. Linear scalability in the case of Zilliqa means that the more miner nodes participate, the more transactions the network can process, and that happens at an almost linear rate.

2. Main features

  • Sharding — It enables the process of dividing the network into several smaller component networks (called shards) capable of processing transactions in parallel. The idea is to automatically split up a large network of machines processing transactions into parallel sub-committees or “shards”. Each shard processes its own microblock in parallel with other shards, and resulting micro-blocks are merged into a final one.
  • Scalability — The ability to handle a larger number of transactions per second as the network grows
  • Scilla — a smart contract language which aims to be expressive enough to develop “interesting“ Dapps while ensuring the safety of contracts and enabling formal reasoning about contract behavior.

3. What can the ZIL token be used for?

ZIL is the core utility token of the Zilliqa network. Users of Zilliqa use ZIL token to pay as transaction fees. The token also could be used as an incentive for PoW mining.

website: https://zilliqa.com/
whitepaper: https://docs.zilliqa.com/whitepaper.pdf
CoinMarketCap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/zilliqa/



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weiDex is a Blockchain Agnostic Dapp Ecosystem for exchanges. Our ultimate aim is to fix the broken blockchain ecosystem on the application layer.