My Search for The Beast of Bray Road

Weird Around Illinois


Many months ago, my team and I went on a road trip to Elkhorn Wisconsin, which is known for it’s “Beast of Bray Road”, or dogman.

We first arrived at Bray Road while there was still light out, and believe it or not, we found a dogman statue in front of someone’s house. Someone probably paid a lot of money to have that built.

My guess is that whoever owns that house is a true dogman believer, because that’s a lot of commitment right there.

After checking out the area, we went to get something to eat. We went to “Fred’s Burgers” in Burlington, Wisconsin, and we all agreed on one thing — The food was EXCELLENT. Their burgers were great, their homemade potato chips were great, everything was great.

Then it started getting dark, so we went back to Bray Road to look for dogman. We didn’t see or hear anything, surprisingly, so we went to a nearby cemetery, since we figured it would be another great place to look for a dogman.

We didn’t find anything there, but we did hear a dog barking for a long time. Furthermore, we wondered what could have caused the barking.

We then went back to Bray Road, and our team leader did a few howls to see if he could get a dogman’s attention. Suddenly, he heard the breaking of tree branches. He heard it a few times, but he was the only one that heard the sounds.

We couldn’t really see anything, so we decided to call it a night. We didn’t find a dogman here, so we have to wonder, did the dogmen move on from there?

Most of the sightings there were in the 1980s and 90s, so there’s a good chance that they’ve migrated by now. They also could’ve been there, but we just didn’t see them. Who knows.

If you want to learn more about this search, listen to this episode of our podcast! —



Weird Around Illinois

I like to learn and teach about addictions, the paranormal, and more 😺