This Person Heard a Ghost FART?

Weird Around Illinois
Apr 28, 2024


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In a video I’m watching, the speaker, Sylvia Shults, talks about an experience she had while on a ghost tour once. The tour was at the “Lil’ Stitches” sewing shop in Illinois at the time.

Sylvia was doing what everyone else was doing at the time, looking for ghosts, when she suddenly heard tooting noises right next to her. She then looked next to her, but saw nothing but a wall.

Hearing random noises is a common occurrence in haunted areas, but this was the first time I’ve heard about someone hearing fart sounds coming from nowhere.

I’m not even sure if this counts as creepy, but I’m curious about what you think of this.

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Weird Around Illinois

I like to learn and teach about addictions, the paranormal, and more 😺