The Problem of Time

How art transcends the tyranny of time

Jason McBride
Weirdo Poetry


Collage image by Jason McBride with licensed images from Canva

Theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli repeatedly assures us that time does not exist throughout his beautifully crafted books. He explains that what we experience as time is actually entropy. We are witnessing the movement from order to disorder.

Metaphysically speaking, whether time exists or not is irrelevant to our everyday life because we are finite beings. There will come a point when we will cease to exist in the same form as we are now. What happens after that point is the great mystery.

Haiku comic image by Jason McBride

Because time is not real, it cannot be saved. It also cannot be wasted. All we can do with the time before we succumb to entropy is to be. The secret to solving the problem of time is to be ever-present.

Nostalgia is to live in a past that didn’t exist and anxiety is to live in a future that will not exist. Being present is to exist.

With our wonderful, powerful minds we often futilely attempt to defy the laws of the universe by traveling back and forth through time. Nostalgia and anxiety are our feeble attempts at time travel.



Jason McBride
Weirdo Poetry

Freelance Writer & Illustrator | Poet & Visual Essayist | Amateur Human | he/him