The Secret to Super Successful Sales Copy

If you want to generate more sales, you need to understand one thing about copywriting

Jason McBride
Weirdo Poetry
Published in
5 min readJul 8, 2020


Image created by Jason McBride from licensed Canva images and an image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Most people, including most writers, think of copywriting as the dark art of the writing world. Stringing words together that motivate people to buy things is seen as both mysterious and sinister.

We all hate being sold to. But, in a cruel twist of fate, learning how to sell to other people is essential to finding success. It doesn’t matter if you are an employee, a business owner, or a freelancer, you have to know how to sell.

When I was twelve years old, I become interested in the unholy trinity of politics, con artists, and magic. I didn’t see the connection then, but what I was really fascinated by was persuasion.

My interest in the ability to convince other people to change their minds led me to a life of being a professional persuader — first as a lawyer and later as a marketer and copywriter. Great sales copy is persuasive. You judge sales copy not on the beauty of its grammatical construction, but on the amount of revenue it generates. In marketing, the most important metric for persuasive ability is measured in dollars.

How do you write sales copy that gets people to open up their wallets? Is there a secret formula?



Jason McBride
Weirdo Poetry

Freelance Writer & Illustrator | Poet & Visual Essayist | Amateur Human | he/him