Future of Education and Learning

Yogesh Malik
Welcome 2050
4 min readAug 2, 2016


Change #1 — Millennial Attitudes

New generation thrive in the environment that is personal and customized to their interests

They don’t want to be the part of the head

They want access to information wherever they go and want to learn based on their own pace

Information should be easy to share and this should be instant

Change #2 — Technology

More and more people are online and this online platform is becoming source of all information

Online material can be made available everywhere and can be reused easily

Even, full time on-line schools are available to provide learning material and other opportunities

Education Technology EdTech utilizes games and other forms of digital media to provide students with a curriculum that is design-led and inquiry-based

Change #3 — Social Media

Education Technology (EdTech), with engaging and interactive platform students can become active problem solvers and critical thinkers rather than office goers or factory workers

Constant feedback helps students to improve faster and learn better.

Learning can be easily shared, plays an important role in innovation.

Each classroom can have a twitter account, and connect to the rest of the world, interact with different cultures and communities

Students can engage in global events, learn about various geographies

STEM ( Science, Technology, Engineering and Math )

How to develop new technologies, how to innovate and think creatively STEM Education is all about that.

It is not just providing funds to promote STEM education, but to make sure enough interest is generated in technology and engineering

It is about making science more real to them with innovative and practical programs, and not about those periodic tables.

If STEM education is used actively, schools can participate in the practical world and influence our next generation

STEM workforce has an out sized impact on a nation’s competitiveness, economic growth, and overall standard of living.

MOOC ( Massive Open Online Course )

Aimed for large scale student participation

Open access to all via internet

Envisioning a Global, One-World Classroom by Khan Academy, has pretty much everything that you want to learn about

Sal Khan, Founder & Executive Director, Khan Academy, says its about teaching each other without any physical boundary, Not just for kids, but learners all over the world. They could be 80 years old

Virtual Reality /Video Games

Packaged content, highly immersive learning -that what Virtual Reality based education is about

Enrichment using interactions with multiple object dimensions

Collaboratively creating various architectural models by deep immersive sense of space and time

Think and behave like an artist and curator while learning new subjects

Virtual Reality is a very powerful education tool as you can experience the concept directly rather than just hearing and looking at them

There is a lot to come and possibilities are endless

In a world surrounded by technology, future of education could be teaching 5 year-olds — How to code?

Learning code isn’t just smart it is essential now -for grown-ups and children alike

Now, there are many platform where kids can learn computer programming

Microsoft and Google have also designed online platforms to inspire and teach the next generation of tech talent.

Google’s Project Bloks is creating a development platform for tangible programming, to help kids develop computational thinking through playful coding experiences.

Google is testing a reference design at a small group of schools. If it catches on, expect the program to expand.

Mike Eisenberg predicted that

By 2050, we will be living in an ubiquitous intelligent environment.

By 2050, Education will be transformed. Each student will have an individual educational plan.

In the coming years:

  • Hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of parents will seriously think about new options for educating their children.
  • Millions of students will access, manage, or create knowledge in some new way, mostly on their cell phone and other Internet devices, whether or not any adult teaches them how or asks them to do it
  • Millions of students will take university courses online, for free.

There will likely be a consolidation of institutions and a blurring of boundaries between information agencies

All this will happen with no formal directive, and purely in response to changes in the world around us

The Question Is

If you didn’t have to earn a living and instead could attack a problem — what would you choose first?

Source: Singularityhub



Yogesh Malik
Welcome 2050

Exponential Thinker, Lifelong Learner #Digital #Philosophy #Future #ArtificialIntelligence https://FutureMonger.com/