Technology & The Future of Law and Order

Yogesh Malik
Welcome 2050
Published in
5 min readOct 15, 2016


Be it food, healthcare, work or sex; technology is transforming every aspect of our lives. Will this transformation ever end? I guess, no. While all other industries are catching up with the technology; Why Law and Order should be left behind?

Can technology make policing smarter?

If real-time data and alerts from all smart-city sensor comes directly to the nearest police officer, will he be able to make an informed decision; or technology will replace those patrolling officers with robot cops. With increasing volume of cyber criminals how technology can Help law and Order?

Once a crime is committed, How legal technologies will automate legal reviews and proceedings? We need to look at this from multiple contexts then only we will be able create reliable and sustainable Digital Law and Order system

LegalTech ( Legal Technologies )

Will robots take away lawyers jobs? May be, but not that soon. Artificial Intelligence driven robo-lawyers will be gradually replacing human lawyers.

A study by Deloitte has suggested that technology is already leading to job losses in the UK legal sector, and some 114,000 jobs could be automated within 20 years

Stanford has a huge list of legal technologies companies that you can look at — they are divided in categories like:-

  • Document Automation
  • Legal Research
  • Online Dispute Resolution
  • E-discovery
  • Analytics
  • MarketPlace

There are a lot of legal apps that provide on-demand legal services that you can subscribe to. Many LegalTech startups are coming up with services like:-

  • Paperless Depositions
  • Smart litigations & Case Management
  • Bilingual case management tools
  • Research federal court dockets
  • Patent Research Engine
  • Predictive Analytics for Litigations
  • Contract Analytics and Legal Data Forecasting

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

When used with Artificial Intelligence, Data mining and Data analytics are very powerful when it comes to catching anomalies or similarities. Lawyers hard work is not compared to what a machine can do, that is why you will more of ROSS ( IBM’s ROSS becomes world’s first artificially intelligent attorney ) built on IBM’s Watson cognitive computer. The machine is designed to understand language, provide answers to questions, formulate hypotheses and monitor developments in the legal system

Using machine-learning technology, IT staff could test hypothetical scenarios to create models of what might happen in the field based upon specific variables

Free service DoNotPay helps appeal over $4m in parking fines in just 21 months, but is just the tip of the legal Artificial Intelligence iceberg.

This chatbot has successfully contested 160,000 parking tickets across London and New York for free, proving that chatbots can actually be useful.

Future of Policing:

Body worn surveillance cameras, robot policing, drones, autonomous patrolling; all this sounds very terrifying.

These are not simple camera, they are connected to their car, their weapons and a range of networks and software.

This way police can capture all relevant and critical evidences and share data based on difference set of requirements.

Capabilities of state-of-the-art body worn camera:

Motorola’s Digital Evidence Management Solution (DEMS) from DFW Communications/Crosspoint Communications is a unified, simplified, smart approach that transforms the way your agency captures, stores and manages multi-media content. DEMS includes the Si Series Video Speaker Microphone that combines voice communications, body-worn video, still images, voice recording and emergency alerting into one compact, easy-to-use device reducing hardware complexity for officers and reduce costs for agencies. Integrated with our secured, cloud-based CommandCentral Vault digital evidence management software, it delivers a powerful end-to-end solution.

The “bomb robot” killing of a suspected Dallas shooter could be the first lethal use of an automated device by American police, and underscores growing role of technology in law enforcement.

Such new technologies bring a lot of operational efficiencies and transparencies

Blockchain & Smart Contracts:

Blockchain technology along with crypto-currencies, such as Bitcoin, results in a system of transferring assets without any need for a central control unit.

Machine learning improves contract analytics and powers predictive coding in e-Discovery

Smart contracts provide a viable method of issuing tracking ownership of unique digital representations of value, which we call money.

Smart contracts (also called self-executing contracts, blockchain contracts, or digital contracts) are simply computer programs that act as agreements where the terms of the agreement can be preprogrammed with the ability to self-execute and self-enforce itself. The main goal of a smart contract is to enable two anonymous parties to trade and do business with each other, usually over the internet, without the need for a middleman

Ethics, Laws & Technology

Technology won’t make you a better lawyer or police officer, but you should be able to learn and use technology to simplify and optimize your tasks, to enable you to do more.

Over dependencies on robots, and tools based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, could result into unforeseen consequences -as some of these tools would use “Unsupervised Machine Leaning” and can come up with bias resulting in multiple moral or ethical issues

In the future, cameras will be invisible, machines will be having our history and decide our actions, and even bugs will be bugged.

We all will be playing with smart dust. We will be safer but creepier.



Yogesh Malik
Welcome 2050

Exponential Thinker, Lifelong Learner #Digital #Philosophy #Future #ArtificialIntelligence