In The Future, You Won’t Own Anything, No Car, No Home

Yogesh Malik
Welcome 2050
3 min readAug 9, 2016


Large amount of natural resources are used to manufacture a car, house or any consumer product.

We are now running out of those resources.

“As-a-Service” platforms has great promises to offer

In the coming years the “As-a-Service” model will revolutionize a few areas of our lives like housing, travel and communications

Why We Will Lose Car Ownership?

Connected car market is growing, and highest in United States.

A study by industry data and consulting firm IHS predicts that,

by 2050, nearly all road vehicles will be of the self-driving variety.

Driver-less cars will change car ownership. These cars run on million lines of code, any standard for writing such code?

Call it ghost in a machine or black box. There is too much of data coming out from hundreds of sensors, getting analyzed and processed, software will take decisions, including decisions about life and death.

Whoever owns the data, maps and software will own the car.

Why Losing Car Ownership Is Good?

#1 — Increased Car Utilization -Longer Sustainability

The utilization rate of automobiles in the U.S. is 5%. In the new model, you don’t pay for the car. You pay for the miles.

“Beyond the practical benefits, autonomous cars could contribute $1.3 trillion in annual savings to the U.S. economy alone,” says Ravi Shanker, of Morgan Stanley

The average European car currently spends 95% of the time parked.

#2 — Reduced Trip Overlap

Other large benefit of autonomous vehicle is to reduce “trip overlap” for times during the day when more than one driver needs a vehicle

A self-driving vehicle could, for example, bring one spouse to work early in the morning, then return home on its own to pick up the other in order to make a separate run to a different workplace, drop off kids at school, help run errands, etc., before retrieving that original drop off at the end of the work day.

#3 — Over-the-Air updates

To constantly improve safety and reliability , these cars will get over-the-air updates from the maker using the internet connectivity

#4 — Reduced House Price

When it comes to buying a house, there’s no such thing as free parking — but what is the premium for each additional car space? Parking rules has a lot to say.

#5 — Money Saved

Research firm ARK Invest concludes that the cost of operating a shared autonomous vehicle fleet could be as low as $.35 per mile, less than 1/10th as much as the cost of traditional taxis, and about half of owning a car.

Living-as-a-Service & Co-Living : Reasons Why Millennials don’t Want To Own A Home

In the new future we will value experiences over possessions.

Generation Y is choosing to do away with belongings and hassles that come with every new house.

What is preferred today: — Living with other like minded young professionals keen to connect, collaborate and socialize

It is a model of a micro-society with private space and common services

Shared living spaces are booming in major cities as young people seek a more sociable lifestyle, according to the entrepreneurs behind the “co-living” accommodation trend

More ever, Home price growth is exceeding growth in wages — but demand is still increasing



Yogesh Malik
Welcome 2050

Exponential Thinker, Lifelong Learner #Digital #Philosophy #Future #ArtificialIntelligence