
Let Robots Be Purified Because Work Is Worship Won’t Be True For Us

Yogesh Malik
Welcome 2050


Everything that can be automated will be, so should you be afraid every time you read some article shouting “Robots will take over our jobs”, “20 careers headed for the dustbin in next 10 years” or “Your job may soon be obsolete”? What is the message here?

What Is Changing?

If you look at the growth of urbanization and technology it’s very clear that the job market in 2050 will be very different than the one we see today. Organizations will be recruiting workforce from a global pool of freelancers instead of traditional, full-time employees. Same organizations will have reduced the number of layers of management they have now, moving toward a flatter, more grid-like organization structure.

The sharing economy is becoming a common marketplace; will become a part of future capitalism. The freelance economy is rising; Entrepreneurship is rising; Gig economy is rising.

Are you afraid if I tell you that you will work as long as you are capable? But the good news is that in 2050 — the world will be seven times richer than it is today, world population could be over 9 billion and average wealth will also have increased dramatically. A company that has 50,000 employees today might have only 5,000 in 2050 while producing the same volume of food, goods, or services.

Why This Change, Now?

New technologies that are speedily enabling workplace innovations such as remote working, co-working spaces and virtual collaboration using virtual reality and augmented reality. Future organizations are likely to have an ever-smaller pool of core full-time employees for fixed-type functions, backed up by colleagues across the globe and external consultants and contractors for specific project related work.

Where Is The Problem?

Future technologies will be able to replace much of human labor. The concentration of wealth will increase because Return on Investment in capital and technology is usually better than labor. So expect higher unemployment. Experienced and aged people will have more employment as they will resist re-skilling and will be slow to adopt. There will be Blended Workforce: You will work along with robots; they will be our co-workers, and they won’t do mistakes

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.

-Alvin Toffler

What Is Good?

  • Synergies among AI, robotics, nanotech, synthetic biology, and quantum computing could create more jobs than they eliminate?
  • There will be also jobs that didn’t exist before. Other yet to come technologies could create more jobs than they replace.
  • There will many mega-projects solving global issues and you will get an opportunity to connect and work for that.
  • Headquarters will be dissolved.

What Is Best?

  • We might be freed from the necessity of working to make a living
  • Work will be used as a method of fulfillment, self-actualization and not just income
  • You will have more freedom to create new work to make life worthwhile beyond “necessary” work
  • Human creativity will accelerate across the world. You can have slash career -a mix of career, passions and life objectives
  • Technology that took away your work-life balance will try to reinstate it

Over to You Now

  • What are doing about your insufficient understanding of disruptive technological changes?
  • Will you become obsolete in 10 years or will you become a super-professional?
  • Have you chosen any subject that you can study life-long to keep your mind busy and agile?
  • Are you learning emerging technologies to create a future-ready career?
  • Can you collaborate with other companies across industries and in industry? Even at personal level.
  • How is your social intelligence and adaptability to new-media ecology?

In times of change, learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.

- Eric Hoffer



Yogesh Malik
Welcome 2050

Exponential Thinker, Lifelong Learner #Digital #Philosophy #Future #ArtificialIntelligence