Silicon Valley and The Search For Immortality — The Future Of Healthcare

Yogesh Malik
Welcome 2050
Published in
4 min readSep 4, 2016

Digital Pills, Sensors, and Big Data

Success of healthcare will depend on the quality and quantity of usable data.

Digital pills and sensors in your body will communicate with portable heath device and your mobile phone to collect critical health data from your body.

Data Will Make You Live Longer — #HealthTech

Your wearable or smart phone will alert you in case if you need to act — and your health care center and doctor will get automatically notified

Doctors, hospitals & machines will be on the same page, accessing the right information — and all that will save lives, and you will live longer.

3D Printed Drugs & Organs

3D printing is going to transform medicine and how healthcare is delivered, from pills to hearing aids to human tissues and organs -all can be printed using 3D-printer

Polypills, pills containing multiple drugs has been successfully printed.

People would be able to have medicine tailored to their age, size, gender and medical requirements, rather than having to conform to current mass-production standards

says Lucy Ackland, senior development engineer at the Institution of Engineering and Technology.

Using multiple 3D printing tools, medical scientists at Princeton University have created a functional ear that can “hear” radio frequencies far beyond the range of normal human capability.

In August 2015, SPRITAM (levetiracetam) drug became the first 3D printed medicine to receive FDA approval.

Patient Experience / Personalized Treatment

From general healthcare to personal healthcare

Technology is making the concepts of health and health care moving towards the idea of personalized preventive health maintenance and away from an exclusive focus on the cure of disease

This include

  • the empowerment of the individual,
  • of any age,
  • to self-monitor
  • and self-manage health and wellness,
  • and conditions of higher risk and existing diagnosis,
  • and further, to start doing this today
  • with applications and tools
  • that are already available in today’s digital world

Example: GALE: 21st Century First aid kit — which transforms home healthcare

21st Century First aid kit

Lab on a Chip

The ability to perform multiple laboratory operations on small scales using miniaturized (lab-on-a-chip) devices has many benefits

UCLA uses lab-on-a-chip technology to predict how hazardous engineered nanomaterials might be. It could also be used to identify biological biomarkers that will help medical scientists and doctors detect cancer and other infectious diseases

According to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Global biochips anticipated market to reach USD 25.84 billion by 2024 — and DNA chips is the largest revenue-generating segment of the biochip applications available

HealthTech — Health Technology

While technology is working on augmenting human capabilities and nanobots are still not fully operational- but we have enough technology in today’s healthcare like:-

  • Digital literacy channels for medical information curated by healthcare professionals
  • Smart watches and wearables that collect and enable real-time analysis of health information
  • 3D printed drugs and human organs
  • Telemedicine and robotics intervened surgeries
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence based medical decision support

By 2050, there will be a “mental revolution.” We’ll have effective, safe treatments for at least 10 neurodegenerative disorders. And if we’re lucky, humans will have some telepathic communication capabilities.

Currently one medical test leads to another, and then another, leading to medical overtreatment. There are hardly any benefits to patients about minor and very low-risk findings — and all that comes with financial and physiological impacts. Growing number of incidentals findings leads to over-treatment

Overused medical services are already costing billions of dollars, and may be medical overtreatment is making us sicker, but futurist Kurzweil says that humans will be immortal by 2030

Data will make you live longer. “Curing Death” and “Reversing Aging” could be Google’s next milestones in the search for immortality. #HealthTech



Yogesh Malik
Welcome 2050

Exponential Thinker, Lifelong Learner #Digital #Philosophy #Future #ArtificialIntelligence