The Future of Art

Yogesh Malik
Welcome 2050
4 min readAug 14, 2016


From the oldest cave painting in El Castillo cave to the poems written by algorithms, art has been serving humanity.

Technology is making Art less of magic and more of science.

Art can be created without imagination — all you need is re-production and curation

Technology is redefining art in strange and new ways. Art galleries don’t look the same way

Artists always have new ways to look at familiar things and create visual form by using color, light and form. All those elements are now in the hands of technology


Behavior of light and form, there is science behind it. Today's’ museums and galleries are all about that.

New media and digital artwork done using various technologies -are used to play with sound and vision -with complete focus on modern digital culture

One thing is true that digital art is limitless and the process of creating art is getting easier. You can do it anywhere, anytime — just carry your tablet with you.

You don’t need to get dirty with colors; and no need to clean those brushes.


Technology is constantly transforming our culture.

This new digital culture has less attention span. You need to capture their attention by the use of technology.

Culture is also classified into many categories -pushing art distribution to change constantly

With fast internet connection and mobility, art need to be mass produced -quality and aesthetic are sacrifices to gain speed and mass re-production

3D Printing

While it is good that 3D printing can be used to restore stolen history

In the past, this disappearance meant items were lost forever, but this is not true anymore.

Art, food and technology can be combined with latte art machine

Virtual Reality

You enter into an empty room. With your motion and choices you build up your artistic environment.

There is no gap between what you are imagining and what is getting created. It is like creating reality out of your mental thoughts. But, once you get into it you forget everything

Immersive & Story Telling

Using massive computing, digital installations, 3D printing and wearable tech — you can interact with artwork.

More you play with them -story will unfold that wasn’t there when you entered in the first place.

More of, watching a movie. If digital is to expand the expression of humanity then you get an idea about the future of art.

Technological Singularity and Art ( 2050 )

Technological Singularity will change humanity.

With material limitations, artistic expressions will emerge again with greater imaginations

In the post-human future, technology will work with art to make us fully understand what it means to be human.

Art Branding, Marketing & Social Media

For any artist, major branding medium is his website and how it influences the society

Digital presence is becoming a necessity to communicate on-line press releases , promoting art events and other though leadership articles.

Social media is proven to be highly effective in reaching out to the art community -enables artist and followers to engage directly.

By 2050, Technological advancement will dissolve classifications like painter, sculptor and photographer. The role of artists, architects, designers will change. They will need to keep re-inventing themselves.

Boundary between art and non-art will dissolve. Museums will become amusement parks and commercial centers

Computer Algorithms are already writing songs, movies and creating artwork.



Yogesh Malik
Welcome 2050

Exponential Thinker, Lifelong Learner #Digital #Philosophy #Future #ArtificialIntelligence