Ups and Downs of 2050 That You Just Can Not Miss
Who doesn’t want to know about the future? We are not talking about psychic mediums or astrology, we are talking about various projections and predictions related to different aspects of business and society. There are many ways we can use to project and predict the future, I wrote a blog about it: The future is already here — it’s just not evenly distributed, but here we will focus on what’s coming in 2050; yes, specifically 2050.
Most of Us Will Be Having Sex With Robots
Good or Bad? You decide. But by 2050, Most of Us Will Be Having Sex With Robots. Once you talk, they talk back. You start a conversation, set the mood and your robot will drop the pant/skirt. What our ethics have to say about it? Will you be able to legally marry a robot or not, we don’t know yet. You may think it’s creepy and may not favor it, you can wait and watch, till everyone else start using sex robots. Good or Bad, some will wonder where this humanity is heading? ..and some will complain that 35 years is a long wait. Scientists in New Zealand say brothels staffed by robot prostitutes could be a reality by 2050. Imagine the world in which sex tourism has become respectable and human trafficking and the spread of STDs stemmed by replacing human prostitutes with lifelike sex robots
A Billion People Could Go Blind
Our kids need to spend two hours a day outside to save their sight, A billion people could be blind by 2050 as increasing ‘screen time’ brings an epidemic of shortsightedness. More and more people are more and more time on laptop, television and mobile screens, and they are not aware of this long-term threat. Technology will do its part and medical science will have all it takes to cure such deceases, but the major part of the solution lies with parents and teachers, and they should be vigilant that proper outdoor activities are provided to the kids and screen time should be optimal.
Every Single Seabird Will Be Eating Plastic
Do sea birds eat plastic? Yes, how much? You don’t know, but Every Single Seabird Will Be Eating Plastic By 2050. Every square kilometer of the sea surface water holds almost 600,000 pieces of debris. Scientists say “We don’t fully understand all of the physical effects of ingesting plastic, but it’s hard to imagine that the effects are going to be positive.” It takes decades and even centuries for plastic to degrade and even then it is broken down into smaller and smaller pieces that can be ingested by smaller sea animals, such as plankton, with unknown consequences for the marine food chain.Toyota Targets Zero Emission Challenge
70% Of the Population Will Live in Cities
Cities grow and evolve, is it good or bad? What if, by 2050, 70% of the population start living in the cities? Will you see more innovations because people are highly networked and sharing innovative ideas, or will it disturb habitat/ecosystem? Urbanization, is surely linked to the economic success. In 1950, only 30 % of the world’s people lived in cities. That was 54%in 2014. By 2050, a more than 70% of humankind will live in cities.
Seafood Supply Will Be Almost Non-existent
Can you believe that the world’s seafood supply will be almost non-existent by 2050. It is projected, not predicted, that if this trend continued the world’s currently fished seafoods will have reached what we define as collapse by 2048. It is believed that simply improving one element of the supply chain in isolation will not get us to healthier oceans, but various business and technology innovations throughout seafood supply chains to improve the use of the resources we still have and to sustainably produce seafood to meet growing demand.