4 Product Questions for Amazing Onboarding

Michael Moore
2 min readFeb 6, 2016


There’s a movement going on right now in the background at almost every SaaS company. It’s a strong push toward a frictionless, and meaningful first experience. While we as product builders and designers spend enormous amounts of time creating requirement docs, spec docs, feature enhancements, roadmaps and new features…

We are ALL guilty of spending a fraction of our time teaching our users how to use our features. There’s a core set of questions we have to ask ourselves and our customers before and after we ship new product.

Can you find this feature?
Do you understand how it works?
Is this valuable to you, and why?
How can we make it better?

The answers to these four questions will drive our onboarding experience, it’s related content and ultimately shape the success of our features. Asking these questions requires humility and that everyone…

Stop operating on assumptions.

It’s poison in the water well for Product. Stop doing it NOW.

Ask your users these four questions, make data driven decisions and for the love of all that is software, tell an amazing story about how the new feature works, don’t just outline it in a pretty drop shadow or modal.

You’ll find many times that your customers know and care more than you do about your product and they’ll help you make it amazing. If you listen.

Looking for a slick product to onboard new users? Help them discover new features? Check out Chameleon

