Valerie Fox and Entrepreneurship

Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2018

BBR’s Podcast — Episode 4 — The Next Voice You Hear

The meaning of the term entrepreneur is evolving and our guest, Valerie Fox, knows a thing or two about it. With incubators and accelerators popping up around the world, Valerie Fox speaks to her vision of the new renaissance and what it means for today’s entrepreneurs.

For those unfamiliar, Valerie is a woman of many hats. She is an executive director, creator director and life coach. She is known for her work at IBM Canada, as well as for developing and co-founding the Ryerson Digital Media Zone (DMZ), a multidisciplinary workspace, business incubator and startup accelerator for digital media businesses. She holds multiple patents, including one for the concept of the “Universal Shopping Cart” and four patents for the “Synchronized Multi-Tablet Internet/TV System. Most recently she has launched a new company called The Pivotal Point, which brings the magic of the hugely successful DMZ incubator and Zone experience at Ryerson University to other academic institutions, corporations and regions that are looking to move into the digital age.


Digital Media Zone (DMZ) — Ryerson
Tshimologong Precinct, Johannesburg — Incubation Project
Cambridge Innovation Center

