Soon Come

Adjusting to Island Time

Jocelyn Stone
Welcome from the Island
1 min readNov 8, 2015


What’s Taking so Long? via photopin

One of the most annoying phrases I’ve encountered since moving down here is, “[XXX] soon come.” I hear it pretty often, everything from “Me soon come,” to “The mail soon come,” to “The report that was due three days ago soon come.” There are two things that I’ve come to know about when I hear this:

  1. X, whatever it/he/she is, may or may not come. Accept it and move on either way.
  2. Even if X does come, it will most definitely not be soon. Refer to above on how to deal.

The only thing that saves my sanity these days is that whenever somebody is trying to hurry me up about something, I just calmly say, “Me soon come,” and then know I can take my own sweet-ass time.

Originally published in 2013 at

