Dr A Gold

Authentic Writing: My True Voice

Dr Gold
What’s your story?
2 min readJun 5, 2024


Private photo of the author

I’m about to burst, scream and shout, kick and go crazy. I need to push this out of me. How do I do it? I just want to express what is true to me, to share my desire to showcase what is true, real, and impactful. The expression of me. The expression of my true inner self. The hope is that it will spark inspiration and create a ripple effect.

I believe that writing is the way I can truly express myself. I’m not much of a talker, so through writing, I am almost unrestrained in expressing what is going on in my mind. It’s so relieving and liberating for me. Take everything away from me, but leave me the ability to write — it’s how I display my authentic self.

For me, writing started as a young teenager, going through the transition of adolescence. I had no one to share my experiences with, things I was still trying to understand. Although I had different crowds around me, I felt alone, and the only way I could cope was through writing. Many of my pieces came from dark, emotional, and lonely times. Some were just me venting. It could be as random as having a thought on the train and needing to write it all out. Sometimes, it was a long-overdue release needed for my mind’s sake.

Over the years, as I grew and understood myself better, I wrote less but read more. The burning desire to write returned, and I joined a magazine that initially focused on fashion but evolved to cover other areas such as entertainment, well-being, business, and finance. I became the psychology and wellness editor, covering topics around mental health within the different sectors. From this commitment, I transitioned to becoming the editor-in-chief of my own magazine, which focuses on beauty and wellness.

At this point, writing became more than just venting. Through research and interviewing, I gained more knowledge on necessary topics while also giving my own opinion. After completing an article, there was a thrill and sense of fulfillment from within me.

My background is in clinical psychology and counseling; I completed both my BSc and MSc in this subject area. I am also a mental health therapist and well-being coach for a healthcare charity organization. So, although I write diversely, I love delving into topics related to the mind and wellness. Now, I’m on Medium, which I think is the necessary platform for me at this moment. I am excited to share my posts with the Medium community!

