Unique Ideas

How I found my passion for writing

Unique Ideas
What’s your story?
3 min readFeb 25, 2024


Image by Unique Ideas.

I never thought I would become a writer, let alone hold a pen and declare myself one. But looking back, it's easy to see the signs that led me to my current path.

Two years ago, I was a voracious reader, devouring book after book. In my classes, my classmates often complained about the challenges of writing assignments, but I rarely gave the subject much thought.

Then, one day, something changed. I started to wonder if I could write a story of my own.

  • ‘Could I become a writer, too?’

I felt foolish when I thought about how I'd spent so much time reading without giving any thought to what I wanted to do with my life.

  • Was it because life had always been so easy for me?

My parents worked as civil servants, and they often had to work long hours with little recognition or pay. But despite their hardships, I never questioned my future.

Was it because I never knew what was out there? Reading had always been my escape, but when my parents scolded me for straining my eyes and spending too much money on books, I started to wonder if there was something more out there for me.

‘Could I create a story of my own?’

‘Was writing the path I was meant to take?’

Photo by 胡 卓亨 on Unsplash

These questions swirled in my mind until one day, I decided to put pen to paper and see where it led me. That’s when I began my journey as a writer

It wasn’t always easy, but it was always rewarding. Writing became my passion, my friend, and my way of making sense of the world.

As time went on, I discovered various apps where I could publish my writing, but my stories remained in my drafts, waiting to be shared with the world.

In the meantime, I became an editor, helping aspiring writers to find their voice and hone their craft. I also took on a part-time job as an acquisition editor for Webnovel, where I earned my first $120. While it wasn't much, it was a momentous milestone for me. And then, I discovered Medium, and I knew it was the platform I'd been waiting for to publish my articles and help more writers.

With Medium, I could share my writing with a wider audience and explore new topics, like writing tips, motivation for writers, self-improvement, and lifestyle advice.

I found my niche, and I'm on the road to build a community of like-minded individuals who share my passion for the written word. I could finally be the writer I'd always wanted to be.

I hope my story could impact new writers to also share theirs. I’d love your clap and comment when you are done reading.

Stay tuned!



Unique Ideas
What’s your story?

I'm an aspiring writer, editor and motivational speaker.