On The Humor Writing Spectrum

M. Nathan Robinson

Laugh with me or at me, all good

M. Nathan Robinson
What’s your story?
2 min readJun 2, 2024


The only picture of M. Nathan known to exist. Behind him is rumored to be his first wife.

Welcome to the bio of yet another unremarkable person who likes to write.

Winner of the M. Nathan Robinson Award for Excellence 8 of the last 10 years, M. Nathan Robinson discovered late that he’d spent his life doing other things just to amass stories of human ridiculousness, mostly his own.

Throughout his life and career, M. was accused of being too negative, ornery, and altogether unpleasant to be around. But if you ask him, he’s quite convinced to only now be hitting his stride.

With what he always claims are multiple books in the works, M. Nathan Robinson believes he is already better than F. Scott Fitzgerald, W. Somerset Maugham, and P.G. Wodehouse.

For starters, M. Nathan is alive.

Second, he selected his pretentious affectation for his nom de plume so he could be easily found in a Google search, while F, W, and P.G. did it for the sheer joy of obnoxious pretension.

Born in Atlantic City, raised in Montreal, and living near Philadelphia, M. Nathan is humbled by the fact he’s always existed on this planet somewhere with all the other commoners. He also begs others not to hate him because he’s beautiful, and to do his part, he’s let himself go quite a bit.

A family man and husband of twenty-five years, M. Nathan is livin’ the dream, aside from moments of soul-crushing, existential dread that conspire against him daily.

He mostly writes satirical shorts and some long-form suspense when he’s not napping.




M. Nathan Robinson
What’s your story?

Lifelong marketing guy turned writer of satire and suspense. I live outside of Philadelphia and can't shake the writing bug. Sorry.