Nia, The Girly Gamer

My Medium Story

Whatā€™s your story?
3 min readFeb 11, 2024


(Animated photo of Me)

Hello, everyone.

I hope the day is beautiful wherever you are, and above all, you are well :).

My name is Nia.

Iā€™m the ā€˜Girly Gamer, ā€™ a.k.a ā€˜Ya Local Gamer Girl.ā€™

Iā€™m 21, A Sagittarius (for those interested), an Aspiring Video Game & Sports Journalist, two job employees (One in fast food, the other as a caretaker), A Mommy, and a Dreamer.

This post is a little out of my comfort zone, so bear with me, but I hope you like it and it inspires you to pursue whatever youā€™re interested in, even if itā€™s not writing.

Iā€™ve always loved school and started gravitating to writing, specifically in 11th-grade AP English.

Funnily enough, fate intervened, and the pandemic hit, taking away the rest of my 11th and 12th-grade year.

But amongst the chaos, fate intervened again, this time in the form of the Sims Freeplay.

I remember being annoyed with the grind.

And due to a Video Game Design class I took, I learned I could write about stuff like this as a job.

I posted it right away to no one, but for whatever reason, the whole writing process, the very light research I did at the time, and, of course, playing the games, I just loved everything about it.

From then on, I was hooked.

At the time, I was working and going to college as a journalism major, but whenever I could spare the time, I would post.

As I posted and gained confidence, I tried to pursue writing as my side hustle by picking up gigs and writing on this platform full-time.

But in the words of the controversial Jon Jones, ā€œIf you wanna make God laugh, just tell him your plans.ā€

I had little to no success writing independently, but I understand now that I was going about it all wrong.

While I was a decent writer:

1) I was naive to thieves and plagiarizers

2) I need to learn how to write as a journalist, not as a student

3) And most importantly, I needed to focus only on writing so I could build a genuine audience, style, etc.

I eventually gave up writing entirely.

I hated seeing such a lack of audience growth and success finding gigs.

During this time as well, I ended up falling pregnant, and for our health, I gave up school as well not long after my daughter was born.

Initially, I almost gave up being a Journalist entirely, but my Godmother (God bless her, by the way) told me to wait until my daughter was less dependent on me, and I would be able to achieve my dreams.

Fast forward to today, my baby is now a beautiful toddler, and with the return of some normalcy, I returned to the keyboard.

I wonā€™t even B.S. with you guys.

Even with returning, Iā€™ve had my ups and downs and moments of wanting to give up.

But! In the words of Dory, ā€˜Just Keep Writing.ā€™

Well, those are my words inspired by her, but you get the point.

I genuinely enjoy this platform, and even when I tried to venture out again recently, there was no better way to produce content independently than this platform.

Hands Down.

Thank you so much for reading my Medium journey and also getting to know me a little better.

Support me:). There will be new posts every day, and as always, Iā€™ll catch you guys in the next one.



Whatā€™s your story?

Just a girly here talking gaming, sports, my personal and content journey. Support me: | Website: New post 3 days a week!šŸ„°