Sharon Odom

Walking the talk, finding inspiration one step at a time.

Sharon Odom
What’s your story?
3 min readMar 9, 2024


Private photo of the Author

Hi, I’m Sharon. I'm a mother of four (including 26-year-old triplets), fitness enthusiast, and author. I’ve been a writer all of my life, but my journey to Medium was long and torturous.

I was a voracious reader as a child. This was back in the 60s — 3 channels on the TV, no internet, none of that stuff. I was sort of an only child, raised by a divorced mother, with 2 older sisters both out of the house by the time I was 11. My Mother was an educator and kept me close to home. So it was me, my Mom, and books. Words were my friends.

All of that reading stood me in good stead at school. Studying was easy, and writing was fun. I got good grades. and was able to get a full engineering scholarship.

Adult Life

Did I love engineering? No, but it guaranteed a “good job,” so that’s what I did. As far as I knew, writing wasn’t a real occupation back then. I didn’t know any writers, did you?

Well, engineering paid well, but it was not my cup of tea. After six years, I switched to computers. Much better. Did that for 16 years, the last eight at Disney.

During all this time I dabbled with different forms of writing. Business writing of course. Short stories. Non fiction essays. I…

