Words By Egypt

My journey to writing

Words by Egypt
What’s your story?
5 min readMar 22, 2024


Photo of author | Taken By Egypt

Well hello there. I guess you’d like to know a little about me. So here we go. I recently returned to regular writing here on Medium after a few years of hiatus. Since returning, I’ve written all manner of essays, and poems receiving a lot of support, and engagement with my stories. It’s always better when readers can know a bit about the personal life of the writer, so let me share a little insight about the woman behind the words.

Meet me

My name is Egypt. I legally renamed myself as a teenager for spiritual reasons, and my life has grown into my name (words are powerful). I’m a collection of many things, including being a writer and poet. I consider myself a multi-passionate person. Also known as a multi-potentialite or renaissance person. I’m a jack of all trades kinda girl. I like to live my life flirting with many creative possibilities without limiting myself to a singular thing.

I’ve written a bit on my multi-potentiality here:

It’s ever tricky to write about oneself without sounding like a lot of self-aggrandization. But I also want to give my readers insight into my life, so here we are.

I’ve formally trained in sciences but at my core, I’m a healer and an artist. Life is my greatest teacher.

Each life has so many layers

I find these kinda stories written about our lives to be tricky. Each life is a patchwork of so many experiences and ideologies, isn't it? Still, for the sake of simplicity, I’ll share a little bit about myself and my writing journey.

A little peek at my life

I’m a (thankfully) single mother of three. I am currently living in the USA. I have three degrees ( 2 doctorates, and a bachelor's), and I am currently looking into doing another one (I love studying, what can I say!).

On a professional note, I initially trained as a medical scientist and medical doctor (I gave it up; it was too stressful, competitive, and simply not for me). Then, through radical paradigm shifts, I explored the world of natural healing. Re-training as a Naturopathic physician, plant-based nutritionist, herbalist, frequency-based and holistic healer.

When not engaged in healing work, I write poetry, life reflections and prose. I'm a bibliophile, and can’t get enough of books, reading, and words. I’m a long-term yogi, unschooling mother, ethical vegan, and minimalist. Nature and the moon make my heart sing.

I also love making as much as I can by hand. I also try my best to live a low-toxin, medicine-free, and natural life. And I’m one of those people who believe that most of life’s problems can be solved by walking, music, tea, good friendships, philosophy (especially stoicism) and introspection.

My writing relationship

I started writing in my early teenage years. For me, it was a way to explore my imagination. As well as express myself. I also used writing as a tool to unpack the many thoughts swimming in my mind. I was always a deep thinker/old soul. As a child, I would explore timeless questions about God, life, death, meaning, love and such. Writing and reading provided powerful tools for me to dive into these subjects more.

Over time I’ve probably written a few hundred poems, mostly unpublished (I’ll get there). Poetry is one of the most profound tools of expression and transformation for me.

I grew up in an African home where writing was considered a lowly art form and looked down upon. I had been told I’d be a doctor from the age of about 7. I’m glad I never adopted that mindset. For me, anything with our hearts in it is worth doing. I’ve learnt to live a more quiet life and not to try and impress others. It’s too exhausting.

Writing experience

I’ve written in a few places outside Medium. You can read some of my writing here, here, and here. Or Google my name Egypt Iredia. I’ve also done a few non-writing-related explorations. I’ve also self-published a spiritual manifestation journal.

What do I write about?

The themes I write on are slow living, minimalism, healing, self-love, women empowerment, spirituality, creativity, authenticity, and more. I’m currently working on my first book to be self-published in a few weeks. I have a local author’s fest in my town, where I will be launching my prose-poetry book (wish me luck).

Although I’ve been a student many times over, academic writing is not my jam. Although I find all writing to be somewhat therapeutic, academic writing is my least favorite. I don’t fancy ever taking up freelance writing as well. I prefer personal narrative, life writing, poetry, or other creative forms of writing. I’m not interested in someone dictating the content of my writing.

My Journey to Medium

I previously wrote on Medium for a few months, about 3 years ago. I had to take a hiatus due to other commitments (including having a baby and exiting several toxic relationships). At that time I had a different energy writing on Medium. I glorified the idea of growing a large readership, pay-walling all my articles and making lots of money.

That approach no longer appeals to me. I’m more interested in writing authentically and growing a small quality readership. People that regularly read my words, resonate with my energy and want to positively engage with me.

My writing is FREE to read

All my stories are free for everyone to read. I don’t have a game plan on Medium. I’m not interested in gaming the system or writing for an audience. I’m writing mostly to heal myself. To share my voice and connect with other wonderful readers and writers.

I have a few old posts behind a paywall (between unschooling and life, things get busy ). I’m slowly removing them from the paywall. If you want to read anything still behind a paywall, leave me a comment and I’ll change the setting.

Thinking of writing here?

I urge you not to overthink things. People want to connect with people. Sharing your vulnerability and authenticity are always good things in my books.

Forget trying too hard to find your writing voice or style. It will come in good time and may change over time. Writing has been one of the most profoundly transformative tools of reflection, healing, and expression for me. I believe everyone can benefit from getting their thoughts out.

Thanks for reading about my writing journey. I’d love to read your thoughts in the comments.

Thanks for gifting me your time and attention in reading my words. I’m open to creative collaborations of any sort. Or even a simple hello telling me a little bit about you. Just leave me a comment on any of my stories or posts.



Words by Egypt
What’s your story?

Writer and Poet. Dancing at the intersection of words and thoughts.