#GO2DIM Feedback

Published in
10 min readJul 20, 2018

Happy Friday to everyone from the DIM Team.

The DIM Foundation invited 4 individuals on an all expenses paid, 3 day trip to our main administration back office in Africa. These winners were made up of 3 DIM Ambassadors and 1 DIM Promoter which were voted for and chosen by the community. The following video summarizes the entire trip and their respective feedback:

You can also view their individual videos regarding their trip here:

Garrett: — https://youtu.be/Ifxwsxdn8hQ
Ineff: — https://youtu.be/4uh9W21-9Yc
Clinton: — https://youtu.be/SHOFT2ufH5I

Additionally, you can view their written responses to 10 questions asked by the DIM Team after their trip:

1) Summarize your entire trip in 5 words.

CryptoMatt: Revealing, exciting, eye-opening, reassuring, and fun.

Garrett: The trip exceeded beyond expectations

Ineff: DIM: true vision, true disruption

Clinton: Insightful, informative, luxurious, assuring, decent

2) Knowing what you know now, what can you tell the community to ease any concerns voiced to you prior to the trip?

The development team is executing behind the scenes on every part of the vision. The foundations are being laid on a deep level for brand exposure and launch. The synergy I witnessed is on the level of a well-established Fin-Tech company, well beyond that of a small start-up project.

: I think the biggest thing I can say to ease any concerns from the community would be the faith that was instilled in me by meeting the upper management and the team. They have all the right people in all the right positions and, on top of that, they have thoroughly thought through every little aspect of the entire Ecosystem. It was a very welcoming surprise!

I have always been and will always be a sceptic (in all domains of life). I never voiced any public concerns; but for myself I have never felt more confident that DIM is capable of implementing their/our vision!

Knowing what I know now, I can reassure the community that we are in good hands. The DIM Team is hard at work in insuring that we as a community are taken care of, informed and will be able to soon release the value of our investments. We are being listened to and our concerns are being addressed and do not fall on deaf ears. Our ideas and inputs are valued as well as a community. We are a huge part of the work being done at DIM and us as a community are their main inspiration.

3) How do you think HYBSE will affect the current traditional trading system?

CryptoMatt: The HYBSE will replace traditional trading systems. To be competitive in any market, all a product must offer is a quality product at a reasonable price. The HYBSE will be simple to use and relatively inexpensive compared to traditional trading systems. Once you start using it, you won’t have any reason to leave.

Garret: The HYBSE could in fact completely destroy the current traditional trading system. Between the capabilities of lower fees, fewer intermediaries, providing access for SME’s to gain capital, and providing an all in one Ecosystem, that can be used for everyday life, there is just nothing else out there that offers this much.

The HYBSE is a game changer and will put traditional markets under pressure big time. More important than that, the HYBSE will financially empower a large part of society that had no access to liquidity outside of debt so far. Besides that, it will empower all participants of markets of all sorts. The Ecosystem offers the platform and the market. The people can form it in almost anything they need for trad needs.

From what I have learnt, the HYBSE will completely change the way we look at the traditional trading system and how it works. The plans in place will revolutionize the regular protocols we know and make it infinitely easier and less expensive to participate in the market. The HYBSE will create a new sphere for how trading works and what you can do within the field, with better security, high transaction speeds and considerably less costs.

4) Which department presentation did you get the most confidence from?

I was impressed by the developer’s presentation. Initially, I had the most questions for this department. I left the presentation with a clear understanding of their thought process, overall progress, and technical focus.

: There were so many presentations that were given that just restored or expanded on my level of confidence with the project. However, I would have to say that the HYBSE platform presentation was the one that excited me the most.

I can’t pinpoint one single presentation. The sum of them all left a feeling of emergence. DIM is about all the integration of an ecosystem and the combination of the parts create something larger than the sum of them.

I can name two, and I really can’t name one without the other in this case. My best two presentations were about the DIM Operations and the HYBSE Functions. This gave me the most confidence because it gave me a clear view of the thoughtfulness and high levels of considerations that were taken in how efficiently the operations at DIM are managed and how they asked themselves all the possible questions about the HYBSE during the creation process. All the questions we asked them, we could tell that it is something that they have thought about before and came up with a solution for it. That, to me, gave me a lot of confidence in seeing that the DIM team takes their work very seriously and are considerate of both the good and bad side of things and come up with solutions to maximise effectiveness.

5) Which areas do you feel that the DIM Team need to improve on and why?

Due to the nature of the business, and in order to protect their intellectual property, it is necessary for the DIM team to remain secretive about some aspects of their project. This can cause uncertainty or doubt in the community from people who aren’t privy to every detail of the process happening behind the scenes . A great first step to solving this issue is to educate the Ambassadors so we can communicate the vision to the rest of the community. I’m glad I’m here to assist with this strengthening of communication.

: After meeting the team and seeing how everything operates, I would want to say that they don’t really need to improve on anything. However, in life, you can always improve on something; so for the sake of an answer, I would say the team can improve on efficiency and preparation. Thinking ahead allows you to prepare for what is upcoming and allows you to become more efficient.

The only domain/area I see potential for improvement is to have the right SOPs defined and in place for quick scaling when HYBSE picks up in pace.

For the sake of this question. One area I would say needs improvement is in communication. Communication is key and having better, more efficient communication channels, other than Telegram, is a great idea. The good part about this is that this was one of the issues we did bring up during our visit, and we are happy that we have been heard and plans are in place to improve the communication between the DIM, the DIM community, the DIM Ambassadors and Promoters.

6) Knowing what you know now, do you believe our concerns of confidentiality are valid? If yes, please provide your understanding.

Confidentiality concerns are and should remain a top priority. Confidentiality allows the team to work, without distractions, on developing solutions without fear of revealing proprietary information to competitors.

: Yes, the concerns of confidentiality are valid because of the nature of the project alone. Anything to do with company information and financial information should be something that has the upmost level of security at all times.

I understand very much so and never questioned it in the first place. From my background I know how crucial it is to keep confidentiality to ensure a head start to the competitors. Especially with DIM — there are big corporations with immense resources that try to achieve similar goals.

Yes I believe so, as irritating as secrecy and holding backing information can be to the community and for us as Ambassadors and Promoters. Knowing what I know now, I say it is very important to maintain confidentiality and deliver the information in good timing, from a position of strength. In this case the best move is to apply a bit of patience. I know now how much the DIM team wants to share every single project they are working on, but due to this being a highly competitive environment, sharing prematurely can just be as bad as the DIM telling our competitors how to do it and have them take our ideas and competitive advantage away from us. It is way better to share this information with good timing and from a position of strength in the market. There are plans in place to do that.

7) What words of encouragement can you give to the community about what is to come for the DIM Foundation?

The resources retained by the DIM team are of high quality and abundant, which places The DIM Foundation in a strategic position to fulfil the vision.

: Buckle up and enjoy the ride!

The DIM Foundation has a very elaborate plan in place to make sure DIM spreads across the globe. They have the right people in place with the capability and vision to orchestrate such a task.

I cannot stress this enough: we are in good hands. The DIM team has a well-thought-out plan of execution to ensure that we realise our investments and have the Ecosystem that was promised. The DIM team has good intentions and their minds are in the right place. They are considerate of our suggestions and ideas, and they hear our concerns and grievances. At this point, I understand how we all want to know exactly what is cooking, but unfortunately due to how highly competitive this environment is, confidentiality has to be applied for the moment while we better position ourselves in the market. On that note, I advise that we remain patient as the plans are being rolled out. To invest in the DIM ICO on the 1st of July 2017 was among the best investment decisions I have made, and those that joined me made an excellent choice as well.

8) What is your personal viewpoint on the vision and goals of the DIM Ecosystem?

The vision and goals of the DIM Ecosystem are both ambitious and calculated. Behind every one of their ambitious undertakings is a comprehensive and detailed plan which honestly addresses every variable, including, but not limited to cost, feasibility, and practicality.

: My viewpoint is that a project is not a good project unless is solves a problem that exists. This project solves so many existing problems that I have even more pride being a part of it, even if it is a small role.

The DIM Ecosystem actually earns the label ecosystem (claimed by so many, so often). All the parts come together; they are all built in a way to perfectly integrate and cover all ends of the system.

Personally, I am really impressed about the level of depth in thought, creation of ideas and systems that was taken in the execution of the vision and goals of DIM. I am even more of a believer than I was before. Knowing what I know now I understand and see how the DIM is on the right track.

9) What is your most memorable part of the trip?

The most memorable part of the trip for me was a series of one-on-one conversations I had with team members. Getting to know each team member in a casual environment gave me an overwhelming feeling of confidence in the DIM Ecosystem vision.

: Most memorable part of the trip was just meeting everyone and seeing how we all have the same level of excitement for this project and the crypto community in general.

The presentations by the team and the personal connections made with the team on all levels.

My most memorable part of the trip was spending time with the DIM team, getting to know them and experience them as people. They are good people and are more than just the right people to work on such a project. You get that energy in the office that everybody in there believes they are at work on changing the world. I enjoyed seeing the synergy and how people of different cultures and backgrounds works so well together. People are only united in that way because of sharing a love of the same vision and genuinely caring about each other and their work.

10) What global impact do you believe the technology we are working on will have?

CryptoMatt: By improving on the way old methods of financial transactions are done, I believe the DIM Foundation has the ability to become the global authority on blockchain based cryptonization of equity and other cryptonized assets.

: The question itself has the answer. There will be a global impact, at all levels. From, Business, to Retail, to Personal use. It really has an unlimited amount of potential and that is just extremely exciting.

A big one that is close to guaranteed. Again, if all the parts come together and the puzzle (pun intended Garrett) comes together the impact could be huge!

I know this may sound far reaching, however, as far as technology is concerned I believe that the technology the DIM team is creating will be among the most talked about in the world, especially when it comes to how trading in the HYBSE is executed. Most of the world will be inspired, and we will improve what it means to trade and exchange.

For any further information, contact info@dimcoin.io




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