The Tale With No Beginning: A Biography

Omar Baradei
The Baradei Bunch
Published in
2 min readDec 1, 2015


Growing up never was easy.

I was the only child — my stepbrother being 10 years older than me and only visiting during the holidays didn’t help the matter much, either — and I had an…interesting childhood. I always struggled making friends in school. I wasn’t much of an athlete. My dad was a chef, though, so I did have a passion for high-quality food. I’ve had my fair share of up’s and down’s in life, but it wasn’t until high school where I really started to understand my place in this world.

I have quite the burden to hold, actually. The lives of generations and generations of future family members all rely on my prosperity, or lack of, potentially. This weight on my shoulders is quite frightening, but I understand that if I want to continue my family’s already unimaginable story of triumph, I know that I must push forward and build the foundation for my children and grandchildren in this country.

I remember one morning, when I was a child, my dad told me something I’ll never forget. He said: “Friends are important, but always keep your family close to you, no matter what you do or where you go.” This idea has stuck with me longer than anything else in my seventeen years on this earth, and I owe it to my family for everything that I have and the incredible opportunity they have given me. I couldn’t be more blessed.

My name is Omar Baradei. Today, I am a first-year student at the University of Georgia, studying Computer Science and Mathematics. My dream is to work for NASA as a Computer Scientist, or maybe work as a big data platform engineer. From there, I wish to start a family and begin the next chapter of our family’s name. As I look onwards to see what the future has in store for me, I realize that it is necessary to discover my roots and the foundation in which this family name is built upon.

