One Monet is worth a thousand Shakespeares: A Photo Gallery

Omar Baradei
The Baradei Bunch
Published in
5 min readNov 30, 2015
A picture of my dad’s family. First row, starting from the top left: my uncle Oussama, my Dad, my uncle Marwan’s daughter Rana, my uncle’s Marwan’s daughter-in-law Hiba, my aunt Hayat’s daughter Nisreen, her husband Salah, her daughter Lulu, Oussama’s wife Suzan, my cousin Hisham’s wife Randa, and her son Mustafa. Second row: My cousin Rana’s daughter Tia, my uncle Mohammad’s wife Sana, my uncle Mohammad, and my uncle Hisham. Third row: My cousin Amal’s daughter Rula, my aunt Hayat, her granddaughter Roro, my aunt Amal’s husband Walhan, my aunt Hayat’s daughter Amal, and my uncle Marwan.
Same people as above, except two additional people are present: my uncle Mustafa (top left) and my uncle Marwan’s son Samir (to the right of Mustafa).
My aunt Hayat.
my cousin Samir (right) and his wife Hiba (left).
A view of Beirut.
My dad in one of the hotels in Beirut.
My mom (left) , my aunt Bassima (middle), and my cousin Tarek (right).
My uncle Bassam (left), and his sister Basima (right) at Giddo’s (my grandfather) house.
My uncles Bassam (left) and Osama (right).
Starting at the top row: my uncle’s ex-wife Maysa (left), and my mom’s cousin Hanan (right). In the middle row: my uncle Bassam (left), my aunt Fatima (middle), and my cousin Omar (right). In the front row: my mom (left), and Hanan’s husband Mohammad (right).
Taken at Mohammad’s house in Lebanon: my mom (bottom left), Hanan (to the left of my mom), Hanan’s daughter Karen (behind Hanan), my uncle Bassam’s ex-wife Maysa (behind Karen), Hanan’s brother Sajini (behind Maysa), my uncle Bassam (to the right of Karen), my cousin Tarek (to the right of Bassam), Mohammad’s mother (behind Tarek), my cousin Omar, (far right), and my aunt Bassima (to the left of Omar).
My cousin Wissam eating seafood at the restaurant in Beirut.
My grandmother Fawzieh (far left), my mom (to the right of Fawzieh) at 17 years old, my mom’s uncle’s wife Ramzieh (to the right of my mom), Khaled (my mom’s uncle), my grandpa Salim (far right), Bassima (bottom middle on the left), and Bassam (bottom middle on the right).
My father’s passport photo back when he was 21. There is a stamp on top of the image because it was taken directly from the passport he owned.
My uncle Fuad in Manchester City, England.
Al Rawche (A famous rock in Lebanon).
A picture taken in Koln, Germany of my aunt Bassima (far left), my uncle Bassam (to the right of Bassima), my uncle Mohammad’s wife Mona (to the right of Bassam), my uncle Fuad (to the right of Mona), and my uncle Mohammad (far right).
My uncle Fuad celebrating New Year’s Eve in Manchester City, England.
My uncle Fuad (right) and my cousin Salim (left) on the beach in Beirut.
My uncle Fuad dancing at a Lebanese party.
My uncle Fuad (far left), Fawzieh (to the right of Fuad), my aunt Bassima (to the right of Fawzieh), my uncle Bassam (to the right of Bassima), and Mohammad (far right).
A picture taken at New Year’s Eve in Germany of my cousin Tarek (far left), Bassam (to the right of Tarek), my uncle Fuad (to the right of Bassam), and my cousin Khodor (far right).
My uncle Mohammed (left) and my uncle Fuad (right) on the beach in Beirut.
A picture of my mom with the Air Force troops in Iraq.
A picture of my mom with the camels in Iraq.
My cousin Zakaria (far left), me (to the right of Zakaria), my cousin Ahmed (to the right of me), my cousin Omar (behind Ahmed), my cousin Tarek (directly to the right of Ahmed), my cousin Hisham (to the right of Tarek), Bekker (behind Hisham), my other cousin Omar (directly to the right of Hisham), and Khodor (far right next to Bekker).
My mother and father at their wedding.
Another picture of the bride and groom.
My dad cuts the wedding cake!
My dad’s niece Lina (left), my mom (middle), and my dad (right).
My mom (left) and dad (right) dancing at a party in Michigan while visiting family.
A picture of my cousin Lina (far left), Lina’s husband Wahid (to the right of Lina), me (in front of Wahid), and my Mom (far right) taken in Canada.
My fourth birthday, with my brother Alex (far left), my dad (to the right of Alex), my grandmother Fawzieh (to the right of my dad), my mom (far right), and me (bottom middle in front of Fawzieh).
My dad (left) and me (right).
My brother (left) and me (right) playing with the snow in the backyard.
Me (left) and my mom (right) eating pizza.
My grandmother Fawzieh (far left), my mom (to the right of Fawzieh), me (to the right of my mom), and my brother Alex (far right) at Stone Mountain.
My grandmother Fawzieh (left), my mom (middle), and me (right) at Amicalola Falls.
My grandmother Fawzieh (left) and me (right) at a park in Tennessee.
My grandmother Fawzieh (left) and my mom (right) at Stone Mountain.
Me (left) and my dad (right) at our old apartment in Burlingame, California.
My mom next to the Christmas tree at our current house.
My dad (left) and my mom (right) at a restaurant.
Me eating kaakeh (Lebanese bread) in Lebanon.
Me (left) and my grandpa Salim (right) in Beirut.
My cousin Mira (left), me (middle), and Mohammad (right) in downtown Beirut.
My cousin Mira (far left), me (to the right of Mira), my mom (to the right of me), and Oussama (far right) in downtown Beirut.
A picture of me in front of historic land called “Old Beirut” that was found underneath the ground.
My cousin Mira (far left), my mother (to the right of Mira), me (to the right of my mom), and Mohammad (far right) in downtown Beirut.
Another picture of me in front of “Old Beirut”.
A picture of me (left), Salim (to the right of me), and Omar (to the right of Salim), next to a statue in Manchester City, England.
My dad (left) and his niece Lina (right).
Me (left), my brother Alex (middle), and my aunt Ibtsam (right) in Michigan.
My cousin Lina (far left), my mom (to the right of Lina), me (to the right of my mom), and Ibtsam (far right) in Michigan.
My dad (right) and his sister Ibtsam (left) in Michigan.
Me in front of the Rawche in Beirut.
My uncle Marwan (left) and my grandpa Salim (right) in Beirut.
My grandpa Salim in Beirut.
A picture of me with family in Beirut. Starting in the top left: my cousin Randa (far left), my cousin Nisreen (to the right of Randa), my cousin Amal (to the right Nisreen), Amal’s son Mohammad (to the right of Amal), Amal’s daughter Roula (to the right of Mohammad), and my cousin Noor (far right). Going to the bottom left, my cousin Soha ( far left), my cousin Mona (to the right of Soha), my cousin Hisham (behind Soha and Mona), Nisreen’s husband Salah (to the right of Hisham), and me (to the right of Salah).
My uncle Marwan in Beirut.
Marwan’s house in Beirut with Mona (left) and Marwan (right).
My uncles Mustafa (left) and Marwan (right).
my uncle Marwan’s wife Seham (middle), her neighbor Mariam (left), and my aunt Hayat (right).
Another picture of the Raouché in Lebanon.
A picture on the sidewalk next to the Raouché of my mom (sitting in the purple chair in the red dress), my dad (sitting to the left of my mom), my aunt Hayat’s daughter Amal (next to the car opening the door), and her husband Walhan (sitting to the left of my dad).
My aunt Bassima (left) feeding me (in her lap) a mango, with my cousin Ruda (right) in Germany.
Me and my dog Roy in my current house.
Me taking a crazy picture in my house.
A picture of my dad (left) and me (right) at Thanksgiving dinner.
A “then-and-now” picture of me (left) and my mom (right).

