Mothers who Care for the World’s Most Vulnerable 

Women are changing the lives of vulnerable children around the world. 

Lynn Croneberger
4 min readMay 28, 2014

Mother’s day was a few weeks ago, but it doesn't mean we should stop celebrating the women who are making a positive impact on our lives.

At SOS Children’s Villages, I am honored to have the opportunity to meet inspiring women who dedicate their lives to raising vulnerable children all over the world. These women have taught me about love, patience and dedication through their work.

These women are our SOS Mothers at SOS Children’s Villages, the largest non-profit organization that creates loving, stable homes for orphaned and abandoned children.

What exactly does a SOS Mother’s job entail? Most importantly, it involves providing the stability and love vulnerable children need to reach their full potential. To help you understand their work and why I’m so enamored of these amazing women, here’s a summary of an SOS Mother’s role.

1. SOS Mothers go through an extensive screening process.

SOS Mother Ana from Russia giving her children a big hug.

The children who come to SOS have gone through traumatic experiences. Most of them have lost their closest family members due to unfortunate circumstances, such as disease, conflict, abandonment, or natural disaster. For this reason, every woman who applies to become an SOS Mother must undergo an extensive background check. This ensures that we are providing our children with the very best of care.

2. Once accepted, the SOS Mother begins her training.

SOS Mother and daughter knitting in Mali.

SOS Mothers complete a rigorous 2-year training program which includes general parenting education and specific instruction for responding to the needs of vulnerable children. At the start of their careers, they shadow other SOS Mothers as “aunties” to get a better understanding of what is expected of them. Upon completion of training, they are ready to be SOS Mothers.

3. SOS Mothers raise up to 10 children at a given time.

SOS Mother Suzhen eating lunch with her children in China.

Raising children in a caring family environment is the principal focus of our organization. Each SOS Mother raises between 7 and 10 children at a time, ensuring that each child is given the love and attention they need to thrive and succeed. Consider SOS Mother Suzhen Xie. She has been with us for 11 years and is the SOS Mother of 8 children, each of whom lost their parents. While she recognizes there are challenges with raising vulnerable children, she wouldn't structure her life any other way.

“The best thing about being an SOS Mother is the love I receive from my children. They make me feel important and help me see that motherhood is one of the happiest experiences a woman can have,” said Suzhen.

4. SOS Mothers teach valuable life lessons.

SOS Mother from Sierra Leone helping her son with homework.

SOS Mothers encourage their children to reach for their dreams and excel in whatever they do. In addition to providing a foundation of love and encouragement, SOS Mothers also teach children important values and life skills, including responsibility, communication, teamwork and problem solving.

5. The love of an SOS Mother lasts a lifetime.

SOS Mother Alicia is all smiles with her children in Uruguay.

Nothing can replace the bond an SOS Mother has with her children. Even after they have become independent adults, SOS alumni often return home to spend time with their families. Sometimes they become part of the SOS staff, as Alicia did. She came to SOS Children’s Villages in Montevideo when she was abandoned by her mother at age 5. She’s now twenty-five, and raising her biological daughter and three children at the same SOS Village she grew up in.

Our SOS Mothers and their vital work inspire me every day. Visit today, and help them continue to provide love and support for vulnerable children around the world.

I also encourage you to share our latest infographic illustrating the qualities that make up an SOS Mother. Click here to view the larger version.



Lynn Croneberger

CEO of @SOSChildrenUSA. Book lover and avid traveler. I believe all children deserve a loving home, and an equal chance at a safe and happy life.