How to Get Ready to Fall in Love With Your Garden.

Discovering where your first date with gardening begins.

Katie Michaelson
Welcome to My Not-So Fancy Garden


Photo by Katie Michaelson

Have you been thinking about growing some of your own food? Have you started a garden many times but been disappointed?

Whatever your experience or fears, let’s just start over. It’ll be like a first date. More accurately, let’s get you ready for that date.

I’ve been growing my own food for 50 years and teaching others to garden for almost as many. Sometimes I was paid like when I taught gardening and food preservation for Iowa State University.

But mostly, I teach for fun. I love growing plants for all kinds of reasons, but most of my joy comes from growing food.

When I teach others to garden, a sense of peace fills my soul. That’s kinda corny. But it’s true. I love gardening and I love to help others fall in love with gardening.

So let’s begin this journey — your date with gardening. Grab a notebook and a cuppa.

Let’s think about a few things that will help you plant a garden, be it one plant in a container or your entire yard.


What space do you have to garden?



Katie Michaelson
Welcome to My Not-So Fancy Garden

I've lived! Retired therapist, fosrter and adoption specialist, and researcher. Farmer, gardener for 55 years, crafter, storyteller, tutor, and mentor.