It Appears People Are Kind and Accepting

A few nearly poetic words sharing the truth about people everywhere

Katie Michaelson
Welcome to My Not-So Fancy Garden


Photo of Hilary Blair’s garden. She comes from the UK to visit my garden every two years.

I live in the run-down part of a small town. Everything is old, cracked, and dusty. There’s an alley behind the post office. The alley has holes and chunks of asphalt strewn about. And there you’ll find my tiny garden.

In this garden, I grow flowers, herbs, food, and friendships.

People drive by to ask about plants and take photos. I’ve tables and chairs in my driveway for folks to sit and visit. Often I make a simple meal. I’m given gifts and share what I have.

17 people came and sat in my tiny garden this week. And there were many more who stopped by on the sidewalk and in the alley.

Republicans and Democrats
some Christians and some not
some born in the USA
and some from other countries
some young and some old
all with stories to be told

That’s a lot of visitors. As the world changes — is that a soap opera? As the media reports; the world is changing.

and people hate
and people judge
and truth is tough to find
and people hate



Katie Michaelson
Welcome to My Not-So Fancy Garden

I've lived! Retired therapist, fosrter and adoption specialist, and researcher. Farmer, gardener for 55 years, crafter, storyteller, tutor, and mentor.