Image copyright © 2008 Wytchy Ways. Used with permission.

Welcome to Oakwillow and Bio

The Oakwillow site provides information based in Goddess Earth based traditions and hosts the Oakwillow circle for the sharing of information that weaves Goddess communities across the web.

For centuries people have gained knowledge, nurturing and protection by honouring the old religions, Laws of the Earth and the Great Earth Mother. Every culture has used rites and rituals to signify birth, marriage, mark times of great transition or adversity, or to celebrate achievements or commemorate the passing of people we love. We have always marked moments of significance, and by focusing in ceremony, we are able to be in command of and have a deeper understanding of the shifts and turns of life.

While a period of disconnectedness with our Earth and her knowledge has occurred in recent times, many people still show respect for the old ways and use the gifts and ceremonies given by the Earth to strengthen their lives, gain knowledge and nurture the Earth by performing her ceremonies, as she nurtures us. Herbs, water, fire, salt and incenses are gifts created from the Mother to help expand our knowledge and lives. Use them wisely as those before you have done, and return them often to the Earth to help Her grow.

I have a strong focus in my teaching of developing and listening to the Earth Mother as she speaks here in the southern hemisphere and teach the wheel of the year with a southern spin. I live my daily life in service of Mother Earth and have developed a range of articles and information that helps us connect deeper into the Earth and to ourselves. May your own journey bring you great wonder and adventure…

Blessed be

Give more than you hope to receive, magick is circular, you nurture the Earth and She nurtures you. Always act with respect towards the Earth, the elements and knowledge they hold, and respect will be returned to you.


I am a Priestess of Earth based Goddess spirituality and have been practising for over twenty years. My traditions are deeply rooted Celtic spiritual traditions and working closely with the elements. I live my daily life in service of Mother Earth. It is truly an honour to do this work and spin with the wonderful people doing magick studies through Oakwillow, deepening our connection to the Earth Mother.

I live with the rock of my life and great friend Shamus, who brings great laughter, loyalty and love into our home on a daily basis and my bright and happy daughter who is my greatest blessing. We share our home with two turtles and a crazy dog and are blessed to have a wonderful group of friends and family to share our lives with.

Outside of Oakwillow I also spend time working in the area of health promotion, providing education and raising awareness about issues such hepatitis B and C, drug use and sexual health, which takes me from prisons, to remote communities, to GP’s, to the media and to the Torres Strait Islands. I have used theatre as a means for education with young people about HIV/AIDS, drug use and sexual identity. I also have a BA in Sociology and Women’s studies and Sociology honours and I have also worked in government conducting research into crime, drug use and models of support for remote Aboriginal communities. This work has blessed me with the opportunity of working with Aboriginal communities in Australia and Canada and acquiring a deeper understanding of the intersections between health, land and spirituality. It has also taught me to be very grounded and evidence based when practising magick.

Magick has been a great inspiration throughout my life, from my first love, a great Willow tree who danced with me as a young child, to the Mountain who held my back every day while I recovered from violence and sexual abuse. For me, from the earliest days, it is the Earths call to which I have always sung. I have traveled back to my parent’s birthplace and sung to the Great Mother in the landscape of the British Isles. Now weaving magick in Australia, while working with respect for the communities and traditions of this country, I live the traditions of my ancestors and honour the living work of the people who have learnt to listen to the Earths sacred rhythm today.

Blessed Be

Jodie Danaan

