We’d like to introduce you to Thington!

Tom Coates
Welcome to Thington
4 min readApr 6, 2016


Today we want to show you a new product that we’ve been working on for the last year. It’s called Thington and it’s here to make homes and offices truly smart by putting people first. If you’ve got an iPhone, you can download it today and register your account. You might find yourself on a waitlist but we’ll get to you as soon as we can.

Just a few years from now every fan heater, light fixture, security camera or garage door opener that you buy will be able to connect to the Internet. And it won’t just be those things, it’ll be every oven, fridge, thermostat, light switch, dishwasher and burglar alarm too! These new magical objects have the potential to make your home more secure and welcoming, to lower your bills, and to surprise and delight you with brand new super-powers. But it takes more than the right hardware to unlock this power — and that’s what Thington is here to do.

Thington is your domestic AI

Thington is a ‘concierge’ — a sort of domestic AI on your phone—that communicates with you in everyday language. It brings together all your devices in one place and helps you get the most out of them. And it does this in a few really simple and fun ways:

A Universal Remote

First, the Thington Concierge scans for your connected devices and helps you set them up. It then gives you a universal remote control for your things so everything is right there at your fingertips.

Putting people before things

Thington also knows that all homes and offices are social and shared spaces. It makes it easy for you to give access to everyone who lives with you — giving them control over all your devices, and letting them set up new things. The Thington Concierge will even take care of welcoming people to your home, so that they can use your things during their visit. And if your houseguest starts acting like a jerk—turning on and off lights like mad—you can see what they’ve been doing and remove their permissions with a couple of taps.

Helping you get the most out of your devices

But the most important thing that the Thington Concierge does is make your devices work harder for you. There are loads of things that smart devices can do — perhaps you’d like some lights to cycle on and off while you’re out to scare off burglars? Or only water your garden when it hasn’t rained recently? These scenarios are easy to describe, but surprisingly hard to set up with current home automation systems. Our concierge is full of ideas like these. It’s ready to suggest and set them up for you at just the right moment. No programming, just a friendly concierge who’s here to help!

A world of possibilities

When we look around today at what people are calling ‘The Internet of Things’ we see a world of silos, where things can’t talk to each other, let alone talk to the people who use them. And we see lots of tech people trying to make devices work together at the level of protocols and silicon.

We think these these devices should talk to each other in a place that people can see and maybe even join in. By bringing them all together in a common place, we can find loads of new ways that they can work together to make your life better. We think this place is Thington. And we see a future in which Thington does for the physical world what Twitter and Facebook did for our social world.

One thing is for certain, the world is getting more and more exciting every day, with billions of new devices and appliances coming online. It’s a world of wild possibilities and we want to make sure everyone has access.

If you’re interested in trying out Thington, go to https://thington.com to find out more and download the app. If you have any questions or comments, ping us on our Twitter account @thingtonhq or e-mail us at hi@thington.com and we’ll do everything we can to help you out. There’s a list of Frequently-Asked Questions on the Thington website too: Frequently Asked Questions.

If you’re a manufacturer or potential partner and you’re interested in Thington integration or want to find out more about what we’re doing, then e-mail us at hi@thington.com.

If you’re a member of the press and would like to talk to us then e-mail us at press@thington.com — there are also some resources for you available at https://thington.com/press



Tom Coates
Welcome to Thington

Co-founder of Thington Inc. building a new way to interact with a world of connected devices, based in SF. Previously: Brickhouse, Fire Eagle, BBC, Time Out