Welcome to Write
Published in
1 min readJun 14, 2024



Challenge to write a story in only 6 words!

Photo by Brad Barmore on Unsplash

Ascend: Reached the Summit!
Wrong mountain.


We live in a world where we are bombarded by flashy information daily. Due to societal pressures, family expectations, and social media influence, we feel compelled to take the wrong path.

After putting in a lot of time and energy, we reach the destination only to realize that we never wanted to be there in the first place.

We end up feeling stupid and exhausted as there is no one else blame but ourselves.

This 6-word Hemmingway story is in response to a writing challenge by Sophia Tell- Stories 🤓📢🤓.

I would like to thank Sophia Tell- Stories 🤓📢🤓for being kind enough to add me to her publication. Excited to be here.

By Alcoholicsaint



Welcome to Write

I try to find humor in day to day life situations but mostly it's humor that finds me in embarrassing situations.i try be cool coz I have given up on being hot.