Monday Motivation

Did You Meet Your Medium Target?

My reads have remained on track but …

Sophia Tell- Stories 🤓📢🤓
Welcome to Write


I would like to thank you all for your support and also to those of you who share your growth.

I know sharing earnings and your journey on Medium is not for everyone, but it is nice to know how others are doing, as well as receiving input on how to improve.

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Photo by Author Generated By images

For the month of June, I have published stories from across genres.

These stories have been family tales, writing adventures, news stories with a slant, and information I have found out about Medium. I did not publish a poem this month, but I did make a song and set it to music courtesy of an app.

If you have a target, did I reach your target? Be it monetary, views, reader or how much you will write each week, month day!

Well, my target now is NOT JUST monetary but a target of balancing Medium with all other things I do with Medium having the least amount of hours. I try for two hours a day maximum. Weekends =l hour a day.

I did go over this target on a few days, but I did find some wonderful articles to read so it was not like work!

But 2 hours is really pushing it, as I want that to include writing time, engagement time, and replying to comments. So I have to be diligently.

I think I might just include an hour of ME Medium Time. ..

Where I find articles that help me in my business,about history, politics and other topics I am interested in.

But I do like to support those that visit me. I know people say not to read for read, but there is always something that I can find in their treasure trove of stories that will pique my interest, so I never, ever look at it as JUST read for read.

This post was inspired by Marcus Musick post:

Unless, obviously, it was all written by AI, then what is the point of me reading it? I may as well ask AI for the story.

For this month I made $168.84.

So I have adjusted. I now have set a minimum of $100 and Goal of $200 for this month. Don’t laugh! I know I am going round in circles!

From MEDIUM . From Author

Never mind. :)

On July 20th, I will have written for one day each month for ONE YEAR!! YEAH I DID IT — WELL ALMOST THERE.

Some of the stories I wrote this month.

I wrote this yesterday — but really enjoyed it:


I loved this one for the slant I but on the challenge

I loved this one as it was sitting on the edge of clickbait but really was not. Really! As it was what I thought when it happened to me!

This Steve one was a funny one to write, and I love how the Steve saga has just gotten out of hand with poor Marcus Musick now somehow the ‘assailant’. Just love it.

This was a fluke. I just looked up Hemingway, saw this story about what he had done, and went with it. It brought in so many wonderful stories.

This one seemed to resonate with many, and hopefully, things I have done may help you.

There are so many more.

My biggest earners this month…



So far biggest earners over the year… some…

So hang in there. Be realistic and enjoy yourself on Medium.

Have a Fabulous Day.

Sophia Tell- Stories 🤓📢🤓

Hi, I am Sophia, and I love to write.

Writing allows you to clear your mind and express your creativity. You will find stories from all across the genre.

They will entertain and inform. Some will surprise you.

Join me on my writing explorations. We’ll find the world’s wonderful ideas, people, places, and things.

They bring great writing to life.

Join my publication Welcome to Write. Writers from around the world bring their unique voices to life.

