From Pancake to Cake Flop!

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2 min readJun 16, 2024

Well, I am not a great chef.

I have been experimenting with different recipes and flavours, trying to make sure I eat a healthy diet and get all the vitamins I need.

By CharlieNCR — Bing

I have not been one to like pancakes much — I find them a bit bland. Recently, I have seen lots of videos on how to make different types of pancakes with different types of fruits.

Last weekend, full of life from a refreshing weekend.

I decided that it was time to make the banana recipe pancake. It was so simple — just banana, eggs, flour, and milk. I would just mix it all together, and there you go.

However, it was not as simple as I thought. My pancakes seemed rather gooey and banana gooey and definitely not light, fluffy pancakes.

However, I now feel that I am poised to make a banana cake. If this was a baked cake, it would have tasted very nice.

So, lesson learned: measure out ingredients and follow the recipe carefully.

This situation was not that dire, as I now feel I have the skills to make a cake, as the pancake was almost a cake!

Problem solved.

Pancakes will now be made into cake! I will find a recipe and not just go with what I fleetingly saw on YouTube.

What about you. Do you follow recipes or just go with the flow like me?

Here the recipe I will use next time:


350g self-raising flour

1 tsp baking powder

2 very ripe bananas

2 medium eggs

1 tsp vanilla extract

250ml whole milk

butter, for frying

Hi I am Charlie —

I love to travel and skydive. So far, my skydiving experience has been limited to a simulator in London, but I hope to take to the real skies soon. I regularly play football and go to the gym.

I am a health enthusiast. I’ve been an Arsenal FC supporter for the last 20 years! From when I was 10!

Like to play games online.

This is Charlie NCR! I’m glad to be here and it is nice to meet you.

