If You Feel Like Quitting Writing — Read This

Most people are too impatient to build an audience

Hazel Wai
Welcome to Write
May 28, 2024


Photo by 傅甬 华 on Unsplash

Slow growth gets people frustrated

Frustration makes them quit.

But they could have made it.

To persist you need the right metaphor in your mind.

Building an audience more like farming than working in a factory.

You don’t get results on day 1 and then the same results every day forever.

Instead you work long and hard knowing one day your harvest will suddenly explode.

This means:

  • Patience is key
  • Growth takes time
  • Don’t harvest too early

Keep planting seeds (writing content)

Keep watering (making valuable comments)

Keep going (don’t give up)

Do this and you’ll be amazed at what sprouts



Hazel Wai
Welcome to Write

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