Not Seeing the Results You Want on Medium? When is it Time to Give Up?

So, I hear that many give up on Medium as they do not see the results they want.

I have some ways I use to keep motivated and plodding along. Let me share them with you.

After being on here for one year and writing every day for one year, I can tell you that Medium is a law unto itself.

Photo by Jackson Simmer on Unsplash

JOIN : Happy Mind. Happy Life! Experience where writers shares raw, unfiltered insights on writing, self-expression, and embracing happiness in every aspect of life. 🌟

Hey, but do not fear. Medium can work. You just need to be realistic and implement a strategy and go with it. Adapt as you learn and move forward.

You will at least be able to tell the family that you came, you tried, and you are still trying. YEAH!! Plus, you might even make some friends along the way. I see lots of outside meet ups going on. How nice is that! 😊

Now, was this writing for a year worth it? Well, that is for another post. My one year will end July 20th 2024!

But there are some tips I have picked up along the way.

Keep It Manageable

One thing I like to do is have a set time for Medium. A time when I do not feel it is encroaching on my time. This for me is either the mornings or the evenings. This is when I read and engage.

Photo by Alexandr Podvalny on Unsplash

I must admit that I normally only give it one hour and a half. But when I do get into reading, I enjoy what I read most of the time, and I tend to want to read more. And can spend two hours reading. I try to read what I like as well as engage with those who I follow or engage with me.

I am guilty of wanting to read more and more from the same writer if I like their content and it somehow has tips. I love tips on Medium.

I know, some people say they do not , but I love tips on how to grow on Medium and improve writing β€” we learn from each other.

Focus on What You Can Control

Anyway, what I wanted to say was: pick a time or a few times to do your reading and engagements and leave it at that.

After that, get on with the business that you can control. That is, if you are here to make a side income. If you are not, then that is fine. But if you are, just set a time and stick to it.

You will find after a few days that you will gain traction. It takes time. It might even take years before you take off β€” yes, years! But each week you will see a little movement.

Experiment and adapt when you can

But I have been experimenting with this for the last month, and it has worked well. I have managed to keep my engagements up. I am still working on mastering comments.

I try to answer, but I do need to experiment with better ways to keep up with comments.

I know random, right! What has this squirrel got to do with anything? πŸ‘‡πŸΎ

Photo by Caleb Martin on Unsplash

If you are sad with Medium… read about Steve the squirrel β€” he will cheer you up! 😁Really, he will! The complete series is here:πŸ‘‡πŸΎ

Realistic expectations always

But for me, Medium gives me the earnings I want every month, and so that tactic works.

After a year , I know how much I can earn and what I have to do to earn it. This is so important. If I do not do what I am suppose to as outlined here. I will not meet my target consistently.

So the final takeaway is: there are plenty of ways to make a side income. Medium is just one.

So it is important we manage our time so we are able to do other things that give a good return on time invested and we see Medium for what it is β€” a writing side hustle that is actually paying you.

Do not give up on it. If you love writing, keep doing your thing and you will get there. At least you will have had your work read and make some friends forever β€” or just for the time you are on MEDIUM!

Sophia Tell- Stories πŸ€“πŸ“’πŸ€“

